Tuesday 17 February 2009

That's Life

I don’t know whether this is something that just happens to me but there is a lot going in my mind at the moment and this rolls over into my sleep. Instead of slipping into a deep dark slumber, I toss and turn, going over all the days anxieties and wake up feeling like I’ve had a night out on the lash. Worse than that, as daylight filters through the blinds, which invariably I’ve turned up the wrong way, I feel knackered and in need of a good nights’ sleep. The worse bit though is the big bags under my eyes.

Well, as you will see, the boy done good and managed to blag his way into the job. I was glad that I went with him to the interview because it gave me a chance to suss out the town and find him a place to stay. Of course it was a big day for Phil but it was also a very long day for me. I traipsed up the high street several times, found Lidl’s, Tesco’s and the library and whiled away 2 long hours in Weatherspoons with a cup of tea, fish and chips and a pint of diet coke.

After finding a guesthouse that I thought Phil would like, I’d had enough and headed back to the engineering company where Phil was having his trial. I figured I’d park up in the car-park, check out the small village of Coomb St Nicholas and spend the final hour in the car with my library book. However the receptionist was watching me suspiciously as I parked up so I thought it best that I pop in and explain what I was doing on their premises. She was a nice girl and made me a cup of tea and let me use the loo. Phil finally got out at 4pm and we made the long journey home.
It wasn’t a pleasant journey back from Somerset and we were knackered on Saturday. We had a quick steak at The Giffard at lunchtime and then in the afternoon Phil worked on his OU TMA while I popped over to Christine’s to help her move some furniture. Most of Sunday was spent getting Phil ready for his new job. Phil cooked up a big pot of chilli and I packed his suitcase for him. Phil decided we need to get a video cam so we could keep in touch so we went to Staples and ended up with a cheap web cam for me and a new laptop with a built in video camera for Phil. This might seem extravagant but Phil has been struggling with his screen for months after I accidentally stood on his laptop whilst trying to find the loo in the middle of the night whilst we were on holiday. After unpacking his new toy, Phil spent a couple of hours loading the necessary software. Actually, I don’t think it came with any software so I’m not sure what he was loading on but you know what boys with new toys are like!

I waved goodbye to Phil yesterday morning. I actually felt quite sorry for him because I had got up at 2.30 am to go to the toilet and he hadn’t been able to get back to sleep so he was already knackered as he set off on his long drive. It seems very strange being apart and I don’t think it’s going to work if this contract goes on long term. I wasn’t sure that Phil should accept this contract in the first place but I realise that aside from the money coming into the pot again, the experience that he will gain using the software, will really help him get put forward for other contracts in the future. But that said, it’s only day or two in, so we will just have to see how we fare.

Since changing my CV and making it slightly more generic, I have some interest from agents on the job front. There is a chance of an administrator contract in Galley Hill and Select Appointments, now called Ranstad, want me to go into the office to register for some data input work. Don’t know about the role itself because they left a very brief message on my answer phone last yesterday, so I shall call them back later today. The only trouble is that Simon says definitely he will indeed be leaving the flat today so I will finally get possession. I dread to think what state it is in and I know there is no way that I can sit and data input when I have a flat sitting empty and not earning its money. The other thing is that I have been getting stuck my ECDL CD Rom and in fact passed my first exam, Module 3 Word, last week. As Phil says, you sit waiting for ages, then 3 busses come along all at once.

Hey ho, that’s life I guess.

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