Thursday 12 February 2009

Friday the 13th

Before I start the main purpose of this entry, I just wanted to say a little about the credit crunch and global situation. It seems to be getting worse and worse with reports of job losses everywhere, no confidence in the banks, house prices falling; even the snow seems to be against us. The forecasts regarding house prices have been very bleak with most predictions of the downturn continuing this year and next at least. I don’t think it will, I think they will start going up again this year. House prices, like most other things are driven mainly by supply and demand. This time it has been complicated because the demand has gone down partly due to the banks not lending as they were. Before all this trouble we were led to believe that there were no where near as many houses around or being built than were required and massive house building projects were started and encouraged to cope. Since the downturn huge proportions of these projects have stopped or have been reduced. If these original forecasts were correct, its only a matter of time before demand outstrips supply and the prices will turn around. I have spoken to 3 estate agents this week and all have reported that they are extremely busy as there are lots of people looking to buy and very few houses for sale.

If house prices do turn around it has to help the other situations and will definitely help with confidence that seems to have more influence than is good for us. After all, it was the down turn of house prices that triggered the banks to fail in the first place. It will probably take a long time for the banks to recover fully but at least they should start to improve rather than continue to fall. I feel a lot more optimistic about things again, let's hope it rubs off.

You wait for a bus for months and then 3 come all at once. I have been looking for work since last November and although I speak to agents daily and have been put forward for lots of jobs, I have not even got to an interview. There are so many people applying for every job, even an old experienced contractor like me can’t get anywhere as there are always several others with more relevant experience than me. For 20 years I have done lots of different engineering jobs but mostly in different fields to each other; it's not really joined up, and now we have this situation it seems to be against me.

Anyway, I have been waiting for my Open University course to start so I could get going on that but there was a long delay getting the first TMA (Tutor Marked Assignment) out so I couldn’t really get going properly. The course finally started on Saturday so I have been hard at it because you never know how busy you will be tomorrow. The other thing we have been hanging around waiting for is our tenant to move out so we can fit a new kitchen, bathroom, windows and total redecoration prior to moving into it as Claire has finally had enough of the kebab flat. Our tenant is finally moving out on Monday.

Just as things have started to get going what happens? I got a job, and it starts tomorrow, in Somerset. Nightmare! And of course I’m not superstitious but tomorrow is Friday 13th. This seems particularly relevant to me this time because to get to the job in the first place, I had to exaggerate a bit. Well, allot really. Well I suppose lying would be more accurate. I don’t normally but I was getting desperate; I thought if I could only get to an interview, I could talk my way in and being a quick learner I would be settled in before they found me out. This has now totally backfired on me as they don’t want to interview me, they want me to go in tomorrow for a trail day. Shit! Not really long enough to muddle my way through until I can pick it up. Take a lesson from this kids, don’t lie!

I can’t even cancel or not turn up as I would be totally letting down the agent that has worked VERY hard to get me this. And he has even managed to get me on the top rate that they pay right from the start. He was even on the phone to me last night at 7pm and emailed me the contracts etc before he went home. It’s not in me to let someone down that has put himself out so much for me. Better to face the music and embrace myself; take the hit. At least it won’t be him that looks stupid. Wish me luck; I will be setting out before 5am in the morning.

Happy Birthday Georgina (and Charles)!

1 comment:

Steve said...

Good luck Phil, if anyone can get it you can, Somerset's along way away though.