Monday 2 February 2009

Monday Morning

Following on from our return from Devon, I have to say that we’ve had a couple of quiet days. We had a good time in Okehampton and I was glad that we made the effort to drive down and see Chris & Christine. I had forgotten how good a cook Chris is; he has the ability to make something out of nothing and produce fabulous dishes without having to refer to a recipe.

Phil was right when he said that I was certainly jealous of C&C’s new flat in Devon and it made me realise just how unhappy I am, living in the kebab flat. Even though we have just about changed everything in the flat I have realised that I don’t like living in an environment that I can’t control. Our central heating timing has gone AWOL and since we got back on Friday, our heating has been going off at 3pm and coming on at 3am. I have made several calls to the emergency number over the weekend but all to no avail. The engineer on call told me that I must have an air-block but how can this be when I have heat but just at the wrong times of the day or night. Urgggghhhhhhhh. I can’t bear to have any more dealings with the council contractor and will be passing this problem over to Phil to resolve.

There may however be light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst we were away our agent did a viewing at the kebab flat and apparently the person that viewed is very interested. The agent feels sure they will put in an offer but they have one more property to show them later today before they make up their minds. So, fingers crossed. In view of the current climate we are open to any offers. Phil and I had a conversation at 4am this morning when he got up to go to the loo, and we have decided to serve notice on my tenant in Oldbrook. Simon has been in the flat for 7 years and has been a good tenant but unfortunately he got made redundant just before Christmas and hasn’t paid his rent since. Normally we would ride the storm but in our current position this just isn’t an option. I dread making the call this morning but it has to be done.

So the plan is to sell the kebab flat or if no offer, then rent it out again and move to Oldbrook. We haven’t done any work in the Oldbrook flat since it has been rented out so when we do get possession we shall have to put in a new kitchen and bathroom, redecorate throughout and possibly replace the boiler and a few of the windows. I don’t relish the prospect of doing yet another refurbishment but at least I will have a room with a view and won’t have to live amongst a bunch of idiots.

Yesterday Phil picked up Georgina and they drove down to his mum and dads for lunch. Unfortunately his dad had been up the previous night with sickness and diarrhoea and had to stay in bed all day. I picked up Christine and we went to The Barge for lunch. Luckily we managed to get a table in front of the fire. Christine had the homemade fishcakes and I did debate whether to order a chicken salad but in the end the roast beef and Yorkshire pudding proved too tempting! After lunch we went back to Christine’s and took Buffy & Purdy out for a walk. It was bitterly cold outside so unfortunately for the woofs, we decided to retreat back to the house so they only had a short walk. Meanwhile the snow had started to come down really heavy in Melton so Phil decided to leave straight after lunch and was already home and in his pyjama’s when I got back.

I have a whole list of things to do this morning, I have been up since 5.30am so I have already been able to tick some things off my ‘to do’ list. I have just opened the blinds and see that we have had some snow overnight and indeed as I type, it’s beginning to snow again. Only a light scattering but its still falling nonetheless. I think I shall make myself some porridge and start some paperwork jobs. Today might just have to be a ‘working from home’ day. If you do have to venture outside today, drive carefully and take care.

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