Wednesday 11 February 2009

Frosty the Snowman

The last few days have been dominated by the snow and the sleet and the sludge. I suppose this has been the case for everyone I guess. We haven’t been up to much which will explain the lack of postings. The weekend was mostly uneventful; Phil spent most of it in his pyjamas studying his evolution books and I practised my IT applications. After the gym on Sunday I went round to Christine’s to help her move some furniture before her carpet fitters turn up on Thursday. Afterwards she made me some lunch and then we took the dogs for a walk around the lake. It was bitterly cold but even so, still nice to be out in the fresh air.

Since I’ve been on my ‘new year’ diet, I’ve put on half a stone! How this has happened I do not know but what I do know is that it has to come off. I have been to the gym every day since Sunday but my ankle is playing me up so I haven’t been able to do very much, which is frustrating. If I rest it up it doesn’t hurt but I think it is more important to be active.

Things are looking bad in the job department and even Phil is beginning to get worried. I found a job website over the weekend which tells you how many applicants each post has received and there are literally hundreds of people applying for even the ‘meets the minimum wage’ jobs. I am not sure what to do next and neither is Phil. I did manage to get myself to Best training to register for my ECDL certificate and I have my first exam tomorrow. Wish me luck, I feel sure I know enough to pass but the course software is boring as shit and I keep skipping the exercises.

Yesterday I went to David Lloyd and when I came back Phil informed me we had a viewing on the flat. He had tidied up bless him but obviously things weren’t up to my standard. After lunch I went to David Lloyd for an eyebrow wax. Unfortunately my favourite therapist has left but I had a girl called Sarah instead. After the black eye incident, I don’t pluck anymore, its too risky. Rachel was in the salon so I also got me a cut and finish. It’s not long since I’ve had my hair done done but it was looking fairly crap, bit like the rest of me really!

In the afternoon I met Jess and Christine in Starbucks just across the road. Poor Jess got diagnosed with 2 types of cancer in the autumn. She’s had surgery and is now undergoing a 3 month course of chemo. I really feel for her, she only retired last year after working for 36 years at the OU. Her and her husband have had a villa in Portugal built and were hoping to retire and spend their days playing rounds of golf and lounging by their pool. I hope they still can. This f***ing cancer has got a lot to answer for. Still, Jess is a strong cuckoo and if anyone can beat it, she can, I’m certain.

Last night we went to see ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button’ at The Odeon. It was a good film and we both enjoyed it. I am not a big Brad Pitt fan but he played the part of Benjamin very well. The one big plus about living in the kebab flat is its close proximity to the cinema. Still all things must come to an end. I got an email from Simon to say that he’ll probably move out of the Oldbrook flat next week which means that we can start work sooner than we thought. It will take us a few weeks to get it sorted but I think if we work hard, there is a chance we will be moved out by the end of March.

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