Wednesday 12 November 2008

Eye Stye

It can only happen to me. I woke up yesterday morning to find that I had grown a stye overnight which was so swollen it almost closed my right eye and puffed up the whole side of my face. At first, before I self diagnosed on the Internet, I wondered whether Phil had accidentally punched me in his sleep because I did look like I’d been in a fight. Phil of course, thought it was incredibly funny and kept taking pictures of my eye throughout the day as it became more purple and bruised like as the hours went by. He had taken the day off so that he could be here when the council contractors from Weldon’s came to replace the blower radiator in the lounge for a proper radiator with its own thermostat.

We had an easy start to the day, Phil’s car is still in garage awaiting to be fixed so I had wait for him to get back from B&Q before I could go out. When he then got back from B&Q I had to then wait whilst Phil went to M&S to buy some sausages because he fancied making himself a hot dog. When he eventually got back I was finally able to go to the health-club. I decided to go on the treadmill rather than the cross trainer so I wouldn’t have to look in the glass mirrors. I got a few funny looks and decided to forget my swim and go straight home after my workout. When I got in the door Phil mentioned that we had a viewing in 10 minutes so I had to race round and tidy up whilst Phil took himself off to the library. With only half a bathroom and a second bedroom as a workshop we are not really in a position for viewings. But the guy that viewed was very nice and amazingly the agent phoned back to say that he is interested and wants to come back for a second viewing with his girlfriend on Saturday morning at 10am. Thankfully we have David coming back on Friday to finish off and correct the things that he should have done whilst we are on holiday, so that should help things.

We had steak and kidney pie with some mash, carrots and broccoli all from M&S for lunch and no sooner had I plonked the plates on the table, the contractor from Weldon’s arrived. Sods law and just our luck. I gobbled down my pie and mash and left Phil with the grumpy contractor whilst I shot out to meet Funmi at the TMA flat. Funmi completes (fingers crossed) on her house sale tomorrow but doesn’t get complete on her new house for another week so she’s homeless for 7 days. Well she’s not because I’ve given her the keys to the TMA flat so she has somewhere to lay her head. It’s not ideal because it’s only a studio but everything is new so it’s all unused and very clean.

Weldon’s fitted the new radiator and Phil also got them to take off the radiator in the bathroom and cap off the water so when David comes on Friday he can fit the new heated towel rail that we got from BathroomsBits4U. This should be straightforward but I say this with hesitation because sometimes David can complicate even the simplest of jobs, bless him.

Last night we went to The Odeon to see Hope and Glory. It was quite good although Phil kept whispering to me that he didn’t understand the plot and couldn’t figure out the good cops from the bad cops. Still it’s good to get out of the kebab flat and sad gits that we are, we still get a buzz walking through the centre.

I had some very sad news yesterday. Christine emailed to say that they had the results of John’s MRI scan (his 3rd) which showed that the cancer has returned and is back in his stomach, pancreas and where they removed his kidney. Poor John has been through so much with the surgery and C-Diff, he just doesn’t deserve this. Christine says that he just wants to go home and I can’t say that I blame him. I just hope that she can get him home and get him the right drugs so that he isn’t in any pain. Or failing that, I pray for a miracle. I just can’t stop thinking about them both and it makes all my troubles seem small and so very insignificant.

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