Monday 24 November 2008

Duvet Days & Super Noodles

Despite the stress and sadness all around, we’ve had a good few days. Phil got stuck into laying the laminate floor on Friday morning and had just about finished when Jane buzzed the intercom to pick me up for lunch. We left Phil sulking and walked through the centre and down to the hub. There was a chilly breeze in the air but I was okay because I had my coat and scarf. Brassiere Blanc was fairly packed but I had booked a table earlier in the week so there were no problems getting in.

We had the 2 course special lunch menu which was fairly unremarkable but okay. The portion size at BB is almost verging on the mean side and really I could have done with a dessert. Still Jane and I caught up with a years worth of news over 3 very nice glasses of vino and it was nearly 4pm by the time we ventured out. Jane wanted to have a quick look in Debenham’s and we eventually got back to the flat just before 5. Phil was panicking god bless him and it was only when I got in the door that I realised I had 6 missed calls (all from him) on my mobile. He’d spent all afternoon putting on the new skirting and the hallway is almost finished. Jane stopped for coffee and mince pies which gave Phil a chance to chat to her. She was surprised by the flat and thought it was great living so close to the centre.

On Saturday morning we went off to IKEA to get more oak laminate panels for the lounge floor. Lunch was an IKEA hotdog with chips and coffee and afterwards we went to World of Leather to order a couple of black leather sofas which Phil had spotted. Phil had phoned up about several second-hand sofas in the paper but they either weren’t suitable or they had already been sold. The red 2 seater sofa that we have in the flat is really uncomfortable and has given us really bad backs and stiff necks. The new sofas that we have ordered have buttons to recline the seats and bring out foot rests at the same time. They arrive next Monday and we both can’t wait. Sad really, I know, and a sure sign that we are getting really old.

On Saturday night I picked up Jan & Steve and we went to Wagamamas for some noodles. Jan had sent me a 2-4-1 voucher so we thought we may as well take advantage of the offer. We had to wait quite a while to get in but it was worth it. The noodles were fabulous but the service was a little on the slow side. Afterwards we walked back to the kebab flat for more wine and dessert. Phil had said he was going to do a homemade pudding but in the end he brought a cherry pie and lemon cheesecake from good old
We finished off with cheese & biscuits and a whole bottle of port. Needless to say a good time was had by all!

We woke up late on Sunday morning with hangovers. We got up briefly for breakfast which for me was half a packet of mint chocolate wafers and for Phil, a bowl of cherry pie and custard and then went back to bed to read our books. I knew at that point that it was going to be a duvet day and that no work was going to get done.
Sometime well after midday we got up and Phil made us steak, new potatoes and salad for lunch and very nice it was too. In the afternoon we settled down and watched “X-Factor” and “I’m a Celebrity” which we recorded from the night before. We finished the day with more TV and eating the entire contents of the fridge before retiring for an early night. A very selfish Sunday and without a doubt we shall spend of the rest of the week catching up. But hey ho it was worth it!

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