Tuesday 18 November 2008

Le Weekend

I meant to do a blog yesterday but just ran out of time. We both thought that the second viewing on the kebab flat went well but we’ve since had feedback that the girlfriend didn’t like the outside of the block and wasn’t impressed by the internal décor of the communal areas. I have to say that I agree with her but I would also say that appearances can be deceptive. We’ve never lived anywhere so quiet and the convenience for shopping in the centre it great and despite living amongst so many different cultures, most people are friendly.

Talking of appearances, I’ve noticed that since living with a black eye and aside from the looks of sympathy and pity, I’ve been experiencing a great level of customer service whenever I’ve taken off the shades. That said, I’d rather not have had the bruising; it’s much better now but there’s a tiny bruise left under my right eye that I can’t even hide with make up yet.

We had a rather pleasant weekend tinged with a little sadness with news of John. I mentioned in my last blog that John had moved to Willen Hospice, well I had a text from Christine late Saturday afternoon to say that he only had a few days. It wasn’t a surprise to hear but still sad and so very final.

With the saga of my eye trauma last week, I forget to mention that the BT fusion box arrived on Thursday and after several hours of trying to set it up and lots of phone calls to BT, Phil finally got it up and running. I wasn’t impressed at first, all of the films seemed very old and the first film we recorded overran and we didn’t get to see the ending. But I’m liking it more now, especially as Phil is recording the whole of ‘Celebrity Get me out of Here’ for me. I enjoyed watching the playback last night of the first show, it was really funny. The other thing I forget to mention is that Phil has been made redundant again and finishes at Rexam a week tomorrow. It wasn’t unexpected and in light of the credit crunch, I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

Phil didn’t feel like doing much on Saturday and spent most of the day lying on the sofa reading his book. I didn’t really mind letting him have the day off, it doesn’t happen very often. I decided to take myself off and start the Christmas shopping. Anyone that knows me well knows that I hate Christmas with a passion. I get more bar humbug as the years go by and this year my festive dread is worse than ever. Phil is the same and now that he’s being laid off, he’s talking of running away and spending next month in Goa. I worry about no income and paying school feels and mortgages but I am tempted to piss off too. One life and all that and you just don’t know what is waiting for you around the corner. I’ve said this before but it so prevalent and true.

On Saturday night we went to Mads & Steve’s in Olney for supper at the cottage. We had a great fish starter and Mads cooked a goulash which was perfect for a cold dark winter night. It was a pleasant evening only spoilt by the fact that Phil spent all night on the loo when we got home. I’m not certain he has recovered fully from the Costa Brava food poisoning. Either that or eating late at night just doesn’t agree with him.

On Sunday we drove to Melton Mowbray to have lunch with Phil’s mum and dad. Phil’s mum cooked a us a great plateful of roast beef with roast potatoes, new potatoes, spouts, carrots, cauliflower & leeks in cheese sauce and yorkshire pudding. Fabulous, and after lunch we chilled on their big squashy sofas and watched the repeat of X-Factor. A perfect way to spend a Sunday. The drive home in the dark and rain wasn’t so nice but otherwise a good weekend.

Yesterday William the carpenter turned up to refit the bathroom door. We wanted to have the door hung so that it opened outwards but William said this would take a long time and wouldn’t look very good because it would leave a gap. I said okay, just hang it back as it was. He had to plain the bottom because of the new tiles, but he got the door back on and was out of flat within an hour.

Just after midday and just as I served up Phil his roast chicken pie, mash, sprouts and carrots, the carpet fitter turned up to fit the carpet in the second bedroom. It didn’t take him long and as soon as he left I took Phil back to work so I could use his car. My Ford KA was in the garage yesterday having a winter service. I spent the afternoon wrapping presents and moving all of the furniture back into the bedroom. It looks so much better although I do have a few reservations about the pink wallpaper!

I want to rip off the skirting board and take up the carpet in the hallway and lounge and replace with a laminate floor. Phil is reluctant to do this especially as the carpets are only a few months old and also because of his tennis elbow, but he has agreed to do the hallway first and see how he gets on with the cutting. If he gets on okay he has agreed to do the lounge. Only with that is done, will my work be finished at the kebab flat. Just as well really because if it all goes to plan I will be back at work full time at the beginning of January.

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