Monday 3 November 2008

The wounded return

Thursday was a washout both for us and the weather. It rained all day and we nursed our wounds watching TV all day and evening having a food free day. The only time I went out was to move the car to one of the side streets behind the hotel. As the hotel has no car park we had managed to park out the front all week but the market was scheduled for the Friday and if you haven’t moved your car from the front by 2am on Friday you would be towed away. The market was all along the sea front, quite a big one but they only seemed to be selling ladies clothes. A few jewelry stores and the odd means clothes but it was noticeably different to our markets where every other store sells snacks. Only one snack store was in the entire market right at the very end. There was a small spur that sold fruit and veg and saucepans but the rest was clothes.
As we hadn’t eaten we took the girls over to the shopping centre for a pizza and a game of 10 pin bowls. As I had won some tokens on a pinball machine the last time we were there, we all tried to win more tokens so we could pay for the bowls with the tokens rather than money. Sounded like it might be expensive to me because you could average about 15 tokens a Euro and a game of bowls was 120 token per person. Then I found a touch screen maze machine and it seemed possible to get about 45 token per Euro. Georgina had a go and was a natural consistently winning between 150 and 200 token per Euro and before we knew it we could pay for 4 tickets shoe hire and a couple of cokes.
Again it was raining and the girls got out their hats (plastic bags) so as to keep dry. Home just in time to get ready for our final meal and we decided upon a nice restaurant we had seen along the front. I still wasn’t hungry but stuck to a pizza so as not to upset my stomach, Jenny and Georgina had salads while Claire went for the steak. Off home for a sleep and an early morning check out of 10am so we were off to Gerona so I could visit the Dali museum.
Poor Claire, it had finally caught up with her. She now had the dreaded food poisoning and was up sick all night. When I woke the kids at 8.30 I got the sickness medicine that we had bought for Jenny and Claire took a couple of spoons of it but couldn’t hold it down. However this was the last time she was sick as it turned to the other end. Bang goes my Dali museum again. I asked if we could keep our room for a bit longer as there was no way Claire could leave the hotel as she was but was forced to pay an extra 30 Euros to keep one room. Unbelievable especially as it was their food that had caused most of our troubles. We also knew that the hotel was shutting down on this Saturday and even people with days still to go were moved to other hotels. Must have been a problem with the food or something.
By about 1.30pm it looked pretty safe to head off to the airport and we still had time to stop off and have a quick look around Tossa del Mar which seemed to have fascinated Clare from the start. We parked up at the side of some very narrow side streets and had a stroll around. Tossa seemed to be a lovely seaside town. Probably the best we had seen on this holiday, there were narrow old fashioned streets with shops along them, a nice beach and a castle. Shame we didn’t come here earlier. On our way out there was a huge crowd of French tourists that didn’t want to get out of our way and we had to push past them. It was pleasing to see a car force them to move just after we were through.We set off again but were still hours too early for the plane so decided to have a drive through Gerona which also turned out to be a lovely place. They had a market in the centre of town and a funfair but we neither could find a parking space nor had that much time left anyway. We set of for the airport but took a turn to early off the roundabout and had to pay a toll fee to travel 10km along the motorway before we could get off and then pay again to come back the 10km to the same roundabout we started from. It wasn't even my fault but I got the blame because I'm always doing that sort of thing.

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