Tuesday 11 November 2008

Burgers, Chips & Oxford

I am pleased to say that we had a fairly normal weekend with very few jobs to do. That’s not saying there wasn’t stuff to do because we’ve still got things to do in the kebab flat but we are waiting until the bathroom is sorted before starting the next project.

Harriet came round on Saturday and whilst we ate lunch she went shopping in the centre. An hour later and £100 lighter she came back laden with bags. This girl has a serious shopping addiction; I try and tell her that you don’t need to spend all of your salary and that it’s good to leave some money in your account but she won’t listen. It’s easy for me to preach but I seem to remember I was much the same at her age.

Harriet wanted to go and have a look in the new Sainsbury’s so Phil and I put on our coats and decided to walk with her and show her the hub at the same time. Me and Phil couldn’t believe that Harriet hadn’t been to have a look at the hub before. We brought a few supplies in Sainsbury’s and then went to get Harriet something to eat. We were going to go to All-Bar-One because they have some cheap deals but Phil persuaded Harriet to try out the gourmet burger kitchen in the hub because he’s been dying to try it for ages. We just had a drink and watched Harriet tuck into a plain hamburger and a bowl of chucky chips. Harriet (because she thought she was buying her own lunch) wasn’t impressed that the price of the burger in a bun (£7.50) didn’t include the chips which were extra. We agreed with her especially as the chips were frozen and she left more than half of them. She did say however, that her hamburger was very good but I don’t think we will be dining there in the very near future. Saturday night was boring and a quiet one spent in front of the telly watching X-factor.

Phil popped out to get the newspapers on Sunday morning and after reading these in bed, we decided to drive and spend the day in Oxford. Phil had taken Georgina on a day trip a few years back but I’d actually never been to Oxford, so this was a first for me. We left the car on the outskirts of town and caught the park and ride bus to the centre. It was chillier than I thought and as soon as I got off the bus I wished I had put on my big puffer quilt coat instead of my fake leather bomber jacket. I was freezing! Phil wanted to get on the open top tourist bus but when he found out that it was £11.50 per adult ticket, he changed his mind! We had a walk up and down the main street before going into the Old Tom pub for some lunch. And what a charming little pub it was too. We both choose the Thai green curry which was very good and freshly cooked.

After lunch we had a walk through some gardens towards the direction of the river but it was getting colder and we decided to head back to the bus which was a good decision because just as we reached the park and ride stop it began to rain quite hard. We hit a little bit of traffic near Bicester Shopping Village but other than that it was an easy ride home. It was a nice day out and it made a change to do something different. Sorry this is blog is boring and a bit on the short side but it was a rather calm and boring weekend. And in the words of Shakespeare’s William the third play, “its better to be brief than tedious”.

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