Sunday 2 November 2008

No such thing as a free lunch

Firstly let me apologize for not publishing more frequently. Always when we go away one of our first tasks is to suss out where all the local internet cafes with usb ports available are. This time we thought we may be able to use our mobile internet but no reception in hotel. We found one on the high street that opened between 10am and 1.30pm then from 5.30 until 9pm which I published my first entry on. When I turned up on the Wednesday to post my next one at 10am it was shut. I had a walk to the supermarket and got some fruit and stuff returning at 10.20 and it was still shut. There was a small notice on the door that I didn’t understand so left it until the next day to post 2 entries. Still shut, but this time there was a huge pneumatic drill on the floor, time to seek out another one. Georgina and Jenny had been in another but it was not obvious as it was advertised as a mobile phone shop, only when you entered could you see they also had internet stuff so that was where I posted my next 2 entries.

Wednesday we were to have lunch in the last of our H Top Hotel hotels the Royal Sun which was supposed to be the best of the group. I originally tried to get to this one earlier but it was always fully booked. As you could only book 2 days in advance I was at our reception at 8am Monday morning to ensure our place for lunch and even the coach trip there and back as well. We thought we would get the coach there and the train back as the return coaches never seem to come back until about 6pm so you have to hang around the hotel all afternoon. Especially as the weather had changed and rain was scheduled for the rest of our stay except for Thursday.

There seemed a lot more for kids to do at this hotel with a pool table and one of those sliding puck table games. The hotel has a nice pool and is situated directly on the beach so in a real great position. This doesn’t seem to matter much when the weather is bad and also the food was dreadful being worse than ours if that was possible. The food at our hotel started poor and got quickly worse but somehow they still managed to top it. The girls played a few games and then we decided to try and find the train station in the rain. Out came the shower cap again and whichever way we chose to walk we couldn’t find the station so decided to walk towards our hotel along the beach so as at least to be going in the right direction. Somehow we still didn’t find it and ended up walking the whole way home in the rain.

For once I wasn’t the only one that looked odd in my bare feet and sandals, we had Claire with her plastic bag, ninja Jenny and twinkle toes. Between us we had some strange looks walking along the beach road in the rain but it was still fun. Georgina’s feet were freezing by the time we got back but at least she didn’t ruin her new shoes.

We had a quick game of pool at the hotel next door before returning for dinner at our hotel for dinner, a little entertainment and an early night as we intended to drive to Barcelona in the morning as it was supposed to be a dry day. Unfortunately I had suffered really bad in the night with stomach problems but gave the girls a knock at 8.30 as arranged only to find that Jenny had been up sick all night. Looks like I would have to wait for our Gerona trip on Saturday before I could visit the Dali art museum.

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