Saturday 15 November 2008

What's up Doc?

Vanessa and Harriet convinced me to go to the walk in centre at the hospital to get my eye checked out. So on Thursday morning, I got myself ready and made my way to the clinic. I had about a 25 minute wait before I was seen by a nurse who took one look at my eye and said that it wasn’t a stye. She said it was more likely to be a viral infection and perhaps something to do with my blood clotting. She told me to go straight to my GP and get a blood test. But I couldn’t be bothered and I wasn’t feeling brilliant and certainly not in the mood to give blood. Besides that, there wasn’t time, I had to pick up Phil and bring him home for lunch.

After collecting Phil from work and bringing him home for noodles, salad and chocolate yogurt, I took him back to work and made my way to Funmi’s house in Fullers Slade. She was due to exchange and complete on her house sale and I’d promised to help her take some stuff to the tip. She was pretty much organised when I arrived and just wanted help taking her old appliances to New Bradwell. We managed to get her washing machine into the back of my Ford KA and her old fridge into the back of her car and drove to the tip. It was a really miserable day, pouring with rain and very black skies. Me and Funmi really struggled to get the washing machine out of my car so I went to seek out a man to help. I found one eventually with a mug of freshly made tea in his hand and he seemed reluctant to help me. However, as soon as I whipped off my glasses to reveal my black eye, he was straight on the case and got out the fridge and washing machine almost single handed.

After leaving the tip we drove back to Fullers Slade and loaded the rest of Funmi’s cases into my car and drove over to the TMA flat with Funmi following close behind. It didn’t take long to get the stuff unloaded and Funmi went back to work while I went to pick Phil up from work. We drove over to collect the Freelander from Cowley & Son in Whaddon as it was finally fixed. A replacement cylinder head gasket and a water pump together with labour cost us just under £800. Not good news but we can’t sell it on so had no choice bar to get it fixed. At least my taxi driver days are finally over.

On Friday morning I went to Newport Medical Centre for a 9.50 am appointment to get my eye checked out. The swelling has gone done considerably but I thought I should try and find out why I had the bruising. The doctor was both alarmed and baffled and had to get in 2 other doctors for a 2nd and 3rd opinion but they were baffled too. In the end she put some dye drops in both my eyes which made them turn yellow, to see if I had a viral infection. She said there wasn’t any infection and that she would get the nurse to take some blood to check my liver and blood clotting. I know I’m not very brave but I hate having blood taken. My veins are very small and every time they struggle to get the needle in. Many times they have a go at both my arms. This time the nurse only had to prick the one vein but when she eventually got the needle in, my blood didn’t want to come out so it took 10 minutes to fill up 3 vials of the red stuff. They said they would ring with the results last night but I had no call so I assume that everything is good to go??

I feel very vein and a bit of a fraud going on about my black eye when there are so many other people suffering with real pain. Christine sent me a text yesterday to say that John had been taken to Willen Hospice. He’d only been back at home for 2 nights so I guess his care team think that he needs 24/7 care and its better for him to be at Willen. It breaks my heart.

On a lighter note, David came back yesterday to finish off the bathroom. I am pleased to report that he was able to fit the new aluminium towel rail without too many problems. We also now have a bath panel, the sink has been refitted and the tap is fixed firmly. The carpenter is coming to refit the door and that will be the bathroom finished.
We have a second viewing here at the kebab flat in less than half an hour and here I am penning a blog still in my dressing gown and without my tooth in. Not good and now I really must press the publish button and get going!

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