Saturday 31 October 2009

Happy Halloween

Yesterday was not a good day. A late start to the day and a hangover and I already knew straight away that I would be struggling. No one to blame apart from myself, it was self inflicted after all. Phil made a good job of the tiling in the cloakroom. He jacked up the kitchen sink unit and replaced a broken tile right by the foot of the unit. It was a tricky operation and I was worried he would mess it up and make it even worse but actually he got the new tile in as easy as pie. I’ve been wanted this done for ages so I was pleased Phil did this at last. One broken tile ruins the whole effect of the floor and now it is as good as new.

Harriet had the day off from work and came round on her way back from the hairdressers for steak and home made chips. Phil cooked these on the BBQ and also did the chips in the fryer outside. Luckily the sun was shining and it was unseasonably warm outside.

Even though the CF is let I am still being pestered with phone calls from mad Betty. THANK GOD she hasn’t managed to get hold of our landline number. I woke up on Thursday morning to 4 missed calls and 3 voice messages. Even Phil had a missed call from her on his mobile and a voice message. Apparently the new tenant had dropped his key and knocked on Betty’s door to ask for help. It was late and dark so Betty & Adrian got dressed and went outside with torches to help John the new tenant look for his key. The frantic phone calls to us were of no use because I was already tucked up in bed and Phil had fallen asleep and was vertically reclined on the sofa. Luckily they found the key under the car and the problem was resolved. I called Betty back and she told me that the new tenant had given her a key and they had swapped numbers. It seems the new tenant is her new best friend, which is great. Perhaps now she will leave me peace?

I thought that would be the last conversation that I would have with Betty for a long time but Phil got a phone call from the agent yesterday lunchtime to say that the shower in the CF kept tripping out every time the tenant had a shower. Phil thought he could fix this himself so yesterday afternoon we jumped in the car and went to investigate. The new shower that Snake installed was more powerful than the old one so Phil thought he could stop the shower tripping by changing the circuit board. But luckily when he opened up the fuse box, the shower wire was really loose so all Phil had to do was tighten it up and the problem was solved. Of course, no sooner had we pulled up outside the CF, you know was out there like a shot and we had to hear the tale about the lost key all over again.

After we’d solved the shower problem we drove back to MK and went to the health club for a Jacuzzi. While Phil was waiting in the cafĂ© for me to get ready he got chatting to Ludvic who has been a member for years. He told Phil that a lot of members were leaving to join a new gym at the MK Dons stadium. The joining fee is only £35 a month which is way cheaper that David Lloyd so I think this needs investigating.

This weekend was meant to be a free one especially as it is a Grand Prix weekend. Not just any old grand prix weekend but the last Grand Prix of the year. But whilst we may get a free day tomorrow, today we must catch up with jobs that didn’t get done in the week. I was awake very early this morning and Phil has just come down the stairs so at least we are ahead of the game. It is a struggle to get Phil away from this laptop at the moment. Not only is he keen to get on with his OU, he has also, over the last couple of days rediscovered EBay. He went through a big faze of EBay a few years back and went a bit crazy ordering all kinds of crap and now it seems he’s hooked once again. Last night he told me has brought me a new data holder, a sat nav for Australia, New Zealand and the USA, a whole shed of black & white marbles, 2 Lonely Planet Books and he is also currently bidding for some cropped denim shorts for me. God only knows what will turn up in the post next week! I’m okay with all of the above, but I’m not so sure about the shorts. Not having seen the pictures of the items, I am worried what he’s brought. Phil and not fashion don’t really go together!

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