Monday 2 November 2009

Comfort Food

Nothing much happened over the weekend and I’m not sure I’ve got anything to blog about, but addict that I am, I’ll give it my best shot. Phil was reluctant to work on Saturday morning, but after a bit of nagging, he put up the new blind up in the bathroom, replaced the existing toilet seat for a self closing seat and then grouted the new tiles in the kitchen and bathroom. I cleaned up the tiles after Phil had grouted them but I was too eager and really I should have left them longer to dry and they needed to be wiped several times. My obsession with my ceramic tiles is not healthy.

Phil cooked us smoked mackerel with parsley sauce and a big saucepan of mash and cabbage. It was delicious! After waking up to the rhythm of the falling rain on both Saturday & Sunday comfort was very much in order for the weekend. On Saturday afternoon Phil watched the GP qualifying and I went to Kingston to do some shopping. Boy was it busy, not sure if it was because it was the end of the month and people had been paid or whether folks had simply started their Christmas shopping. Tesco’s was choc-a-block; thank goodness I’m only here for another couple of weeks. Saturday was X-Factor and catching up with Flash Forward. We resisted the temptation to order in a Chinese, mainly because neither of us had any cash.

We woke up feeling peckish on Sunday morning; it was pouring with rain so Phil went in the car to the shop to pick up the papers and get us some fish fingers for breakfast. Fried fish fingers with beans and a slice of bread and butter was on the menu for breakfast. More comfort food. We did odd jobs, emails and domestics and in the afternoon I went to Christine’s leaving Phil to watch the Grand Prix. I watched the start of the race but wasn’t bothered about the finish, all felt a bit of an anti climax to me.

The dogs went a bit crazy when Christine opened the door to let me in. They are very excitable. Luckily the rain had died away by the time we took them out for a walk. It was nice to be out in the fresh air. Having not felt great last week I thought I was on the road to recovery but yesterday I woke up with another sore throat and swollen glands. I have been taking pain killers for the last week but I think maybe I should stop and simply let this bug come out once and for all. Christine made me hot crumpets and tea and then it was home before it got dark. And that as they say, was the weekend. Only 2 more to go before we fly away. Scary !

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