Saturday 24 October 2009

Blackpool illuminations by day

It was only about 8 or 9 miles to Blackpool from our hotel and the rain that was promised held off. We had a walk through the town area with the shops to start with where Claire bought a few cheap clothes from Primemark. Next stop Blackpool pier but there wasn’t much open but still quite a nice walk around; we don’t have much chance to visit piers. Blackpool is so tacky with amusements, ice cream and chip shops everywhere and all the gypsies are competing to tell your fortune for a fiver. It’s a total contrast to Lytham just down the road.

We didn’t find a Claire’s shop but we did find her sister’s “Louise Tussaud’s Waxworks” and a Trotters independent traders 3 wheeler.

We found that we had enough within an hour and headed back along the coast to have lunch at Lytham. The little Thai across the road from our hotel called “Thai by night” fitted the bill where we had Thai green chicken curry all around. It is a very popular place and there was only one table available when we got there. There were people coming in and out the whole time; the restaurant could have fed twice as many people if it was bigger.

Steve was back from work early on Friday so we were able to get in the bar for about 5pm and have a little tour around town. Once we had visited most bars we headed back for our hotel for something to eat. Steve said that they wouldn’t be open for food as they shut at 9pm but when we checked our watches it was only 8.15pm and Steve couldn’t believe it as it felt like midnight with such an early start. Welcome to our world.

We met Steve again for breakfast and then it was time to pack up and face the long drive home.

Harriet rang Friday evening to say that Shane had been mugged on his way home from the cash machine where they stole his wallet, phone and keys leaving him in a heap in the alley where he was cycling home. We will drop around and see them on the way back to see if the muggers know where he lives as we will probably need to change the lock. This is the first person I have known personally that has been mugged ever; it always seems to happen to someone else in the paper.

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