Wednesday 21 October 2009

Early morning thoughts

It's another one of those early mornings where I can’t sleep so I thought I may as well log on and make the most of my insomnia. My mind is on overdrive at the moment and lying in bed in the dark, all sorts of things are twirling around in my mind. Also I had that funny heart beating fast thing which always feels worse lying down, must go to the doctors to get it checked out. Don’t’ want to peg out before I get to Aussie!

Phil had a disturbed night’s sleep the night before and as such, was a really grumpy monkey yesterday; he was really hard work. He read my blog and complained that I am being very negative about him and also moaned that every photo I publish is of him eating food. I apologise but that is the way it is. After promising at the beginning of the week to dedicate himself to me and my ‘to do’ list, it is now Wednesday and he is not delivering. This is the email that I’ve just sent him, just to get him in focus.


Hello husband

I write this email as I can hear you snoring softly upstairs. I got up so you could go back to sleep, obviously my strategy worked!

Anyway, thought I'd email stuff for you to do today, a) whilst I remember and b) so you can structure yours/our day.

  • Pls can you email me the big trip itinerary so I can send to Jane with covering email
  • This is the hotel I fancy at Lytham
  • When we drop off my car can you mention that the water for the front screen doesn't work and also I had a couple of new front tyres and ever since there has been a noise on the right front side. Thanks.
  • On the way back from the garage can we pick up PO Box post
  • Can you check out Emma's address and telephone the OU to advise address
  • Can you drop me off at David Lloyd after the PO Box or come with for a workout?
  • We also need to go to CF and glue the blind and top up the electric, sort out newspapers, post etc.
  • Obviously you need to book a hotel so we can see Steve before we fly away.
  • You may also want to phone Georgina because I've checked and it is half term next week and if your mum is correct, she will be going to holiday cottage on Saturday. You need to arrange with her to go down to Melton the following Sunday when she gets back. BTW, this will be Sunday the 1st November.
  • Can you please not eat the sweets in the tub on top of the fridge in the kitchen; these are for the kids that will be trick or treating on Halloween night.
  • Pls can you put up the new blind in the bathroom?
  • Whilst I am doing the woodwork upstairs, would you mind making the chilli for tonight? Thought we could finish off the liver & bacon casserole for lunch.

Thanks all I can think of for now. One more cup of tea and I may go back to bed. Or maybe I shall stay up and watch the TV.

See you in a few hours.


C x


After my trip to IKEA on Monday I am not sure my new lime green rugs for the lounge really work. I was trying to link the lovely cut glass green decanter that Janet brought us as a wedding present but the lime is just a little too lime. Really, I was after a nutty caramel colour and in the shop I thought the rug had a little nutmeg in the pile but on getting them home they are just plain lime. Never mind, too late now to take them back and at least they will brighten up the lounge for the winter.

I didn’t make it to the gym yesterday. I decided to make a liver, bacon and onion casserole and by the time I was done it was nearly 10am. I decided to touch up the paintwork in the downstairs gloss and go the gym in the afternoon. Bad mistake!! Once I got started, I decided that all the downstairs paintwork needed redoing. By the end of play yesterday I’d finished all of the downstairs but the only trouble is, now that I’ve got to go upstairs and finish the whole house. I’m not sure whether I’m doing my house for me or for our Australian guests, either way, I won’t be happy until it’s all done.

Early mornings and I can’t but help switch on the TV. Even with digital Free View channels, the choice is dismal. Night screens or teleshopping and right now I’m half watching a programme called ‘Guilty’. It’s about a husband that has brought his wife on a reality show to complain about her lousy housekeeping. They are having a kind of fake jury with friends and family acting as witness for each side. What a load of old boll**ks but still, I feel compelled to watch. Surely they must be paid actors, no normal person would ever agree to appear in this show, surely??

Phil had a phone call from James the owner of Morgans late yesterday to say that the student from Cranfield had pulled out of the tenancy but that he done a viewing yesterday afternoon and a quantity surveyor that lived in London who was working in Beds and was fed up of the commute wants to move in next week. James also complimented Phil on the standard of our properties and said he was surprised by the high standard of finish at the CF. This was good to hear, its reassuring that all our hard work has paid off. When we first started in buy to let over 10 years ago, we were broke and had to bodge and make good. Now there is money in the pot, it is nice to be able to rip out and replace and basically do things properly.

Oh what rubbish I talk; 3 cups of tea, a spoon of Honeygar and a small glass of orange juice with a slurp of omega 3 oil and actually I’m beginning to feel a little tired. Maybe I should try going back to bed or perhaps I should make the chilli con carne??? I can’t decide.

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