Tuesday 20 October 2009

Shopping, Domestics & Things to Do

After some domestics early on Friday morning, I made Phil get dressed and come with me to Costco. As trade members we’re allowed to go in the store before midday when the general public are allowed in, so it’s good to go early when it’s quiet. Once inside the store we made our way to the free coffee and cake counter which Phil loves. I didn’t want very much but somehow we came out with 3 cases of wine, a huge tirramasu and other silly bits and pieces. Oh and £145 lighter. We had rather an indulgent weekend which wasn’t what was planned. It was nice to have Julia & Jack to stay on Friday night. It wasn’t so great waking up with a hangover on Saturday morning after a late night so I decided on waking, that it was going to be an easy day.

Harriet had got stopped by the police the day beforehand for driving whilst using her mobile and was feeling very sorry for herself, so we decided to take her to the cinema. I choose the film, Couples Retreat. It was okay, corny, predictable in most parts but it made you feel good when you came out; Phil enjoyed it more than me and Harriet!! After the cinema we went to the food exhibition in Middleton Hall so Phil got pick up 2 bottles of the Nitro sauces that Julies had given him to try. Of course Phil being Phil, swallowed 2 big spoonfulls from the stand and then had to quickly buy an ice-cream because he mouth was on fire!

On Sunday morning we got showered and changed and drove to Melton Mowbray to see Phil’s mum and dad. They just returned the day before from a week in a chalet. It was a chalet that Phil had found on the internet and by the sounds of it, it didn’t sound a good choice. Phil’s mum said it was cramped and full of junk and apparently they didn’t have any electric for the first 2 days. They were lucky with the weather though, it didn’t rain all week but still, they decided to come home a day early. After a quick hello to Phil’s mum and dad, we jumped in the car, went to pick up Gladys and then made our way to the Bowls Club for lunch. They do a nice Sunday lunch at the Bowls Club, we all went for the roast beef and it was tasty and very tender. Aterwards, it was back Phil’s mum for a cup of tea and a slice of Tiramisu that Phil had brought from Costco. I was glad that Phil finally plucked up the courage to tell his mum and dad that we’d booked the flight and would be away for nearly 4 months. They took the news well but I did feel a little guilty for leaving them all alone for the winter. They would never say it out loud but I know they think we are being extravagant with such a long trip and they also worry that something may happen to one of them whilst we’re gone. The crazy thing is that after John’s sudden passing last year, both Phil and I are very aware of our mortality and want to do travel whilst we are still able to. Live fast and live each day as if it’s your last.

The drive back to Milton Keynes was tedious and Phil was more than grumpy because he’d missed the first hour of the Grand Prix. He’d recorded it but it hadn’t worked, but never mind he’d only missed the introductions and we were still home in time to see the start of the race. And what a race it was, me and Phil were on the edge of the sofa for the whole race. Mark Webber did well to win but good old Jenson Button, what a boy! It was also nice to see Hamilton on the podium. Both me and Phil shed some tears when Jenson crossed the line and it was good to see Ross Braun show some emotion for a change.

After Phil finished his exam he promised that he’d devote the whole of this week to do jobs on the house. But yesterday he only managed to put up a few pictures and spent the rest of the day, researching the internet for places to stay in Los Angeles. He was excited because he’d read in one of the Sunday newspapers that hotels in Los Vegas had reduced their rates significantly. Phil tells me that he wants to spend a week in Vegas and then go up into the mountains to do some skiing. I am not sure and to be honest until I get the house to the way I want it, only then can I focus on the trip.

Yesterday was a shopping day for me; Lidl’s for toilet rolls, bin bags & washing capsules, then onto Sainsbury’s for food. We had baked potato for lunch with tuna and sweet corn, not very exciting. In the afternoon I decided to leave Phil surfing and went to IKEA. They have some new stuff in for the autumn range and I got a couple of rugs, a new lamp and a couple of winter blankets. When I got home Phil had already changed into his pjyjamas with his jumper on top because he was cold. I told him to put the heating on but he grabbed one of my lime green blankets and put that over him. He looked like a proper old man sprawled out on the reclining sofa! Just as well he relaxed yesterday because I've got a full list of jobs for him to do today. I am going to the gym in a minute but I've emailed Phil the list of jobs that need doing, so there is no need to wait for me, he can get started as soon as he wakes up!

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