Tuesday 13 October 2009

Too much information?

We had a fairly ‘normal’ weekend with plenty of R&R which made a much welcomed change. Phil & I went over to the CF and Phil planed the bathroom door. He made a right old mess which I had to clear up while Phil set up the digital free view channels. Unfortunately I’d brought the wrong colour undercoat so we had to go back to MK. Phil decided to stay home and prepare the casserole whilst I went back to the CF flat to finish off painting the door.

Saturday afternoon and Phil finally made a start on his revision. I spent a while trying to upload our last blog into a website that allows you to convert your blog to a proper hard cover book. We really loved the book that Jimmy did for us downloaded from our first blog about our adventures in India and wanted to have a second book. It’s something that I know Phil’s mum would enjoy reading plus it’s something for us to look back on when we’re old and grey. That’s now I hear you say!!! Maybe I very stupid but I couldn’t get my head around the programme so I gave up in the end and went to the health club for a swim. First time in ages and I enjoyed myself. Saturday evening was telly, wine and early to bed.

On Sunday Phil picked up Georgina and they did the cinema and lunch. I went over to Great Holm and Christine and I went for lunch at The Old Beams. Christine has just come back from a trip to Kenya. She went on safari but didn’t really get on well with the whole group thing and was sad because it brought back memories of happier times spent with John in the Maldives. Poor Christine also picked up a cold, so in many ways she was glad to get back home. We talked holidays over lunch and then back to walk the woofs. The sun had come out by this time and it was nice to be out in the fresh air.

Monday was domestics for me and revision all day for Phil. In fact, I seemed to recall that he didn’t get washed or dressed until tea time. I think he is really beginning to panic now about his exam on Thursday. I am feeling pleased because I have been to the health club 4 days in a row. I’ve managed a couple of light sessions in the gym and a couple of decent swims. I have decided the best way to get rid of my bad back is exercise. This morning Phil went back to the CF to meet the E-on engineer so he could sort out the connection for the wall mounted heaters. Fortunately the nice young man from E-on came early and was very helpful, managing to do things to the fuse connections so the heaters could work with the timers.

After weeks of pub grub I’ve settled down at last to shopping and cooking. I made a big lasagne on Monday which was so huge, it will last us all week. After lunch I went to the OU to meet Jan and we went for a walk around the campus. It was a beautiful day and we had a very pleasant walk, chatting all the way along. BTW, happy birthday for tomorrow Janet! This afternoon I’ve been catching up with paperwork and Phil has been revising and making a few calls in-between. The BT Vision goes live tomorrow so we can finally get a sound engineer round to sort out the TV & home cinema sound system out, once and for all. At the moment all of the equipment and wires are all over the floor. I am dying to tidy it all away but I must be patient and wait for all to go live and be tested.
I read a most interesting article in the Times magazine over the weekend talking about how much people reveal about them selves on the internet. It made me think about the naked bloggers. I don’t twitter but I have registered my profile on Facebook even though I don’t really use it. It’s mainly because I don’t understand how to navigate around the different applications and I really don’t get this farmyard thing. On my homepage, I have a message telling me that I have 2 cute catz invitations, 2 pet pupz invitations and 1 other invite. What’s all this about ??? So not bothered am I, that I can’t be arsed to click on the links to find out.

Anyway, the article made me think about my blogging and I wonder if it’s as sad as twittering or logging on to face book every 37 minutes? Do I violoate my own privacy? Nah I don't think so. Am I so up my own arse that I think anyone is remotely interested in my sad life??? The answer to that is no but perhaps I am just as sad as all the twitterers and the Facebook users out there. I do my blog for me and say it as it mainly is, although sometimes I admit I have to hold back so as not to offend. My only rules when blogging are - never drink and click. The blog is a platform for me to get things off my chest; Phil really enjoys writing about our holiday experiences and likes to drop the oddball posting in now and again. On the feel-good-side, the blog does give me a buzz when someone posts a nice comment or says to me f-2-f “Claire, please don’t stop”. Harriet hates me blogging and is in the club of ‘too much information’; she reluctantly dips in, only to find out what we’re up to but she cringes most of the time. Harriet, I might add, is an avid Facebook member-cum-contributor.

I shall carry on with thenakedbloggers for now but I think I am going to stop posting in a couple of weeks and start up a fresh blog dedicated to the ‘Big Trip’. I’d still like to keep the nakedbloggers though and come back to this next year but I feel a new profile and a new title are needed. Perhaps, ‘Phil & Claire Down Under’ or ‘Around the World in 108 Days’???

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