Friday 16 January 2009

Thank God it's Friday

Just for a change, I shall start this blog today with a joke:
A business man got on an elevator in a building. When he entered the elevator, there was a blonde already inside and she greeted him by saying, "T-G-I-F" (letters only).
He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T" (letters only)."
She looked at him, puzzled, and said, "T-G-I-F" again.
He acknowledged her remark again by answering,
The blonde was trying to be friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly "T-G-I-F" another time.
The man smiled back to her and once again replied with a quizzical expression, "S-H-I-T."

The blonde finally decided to explain things, and this time she said, "T-G-I-F, Thank Goodness It's Friday, get it?"

The man answered, "Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday."
Another Friday morning looms its head and the weekend sits on the horizon; which is a good thing I guess, but for me, I just don’t know where the week has gone. My strategy in the job department is one application per day which satisfies Phil and makes me feel like I’m at least doing something. Okay I still fit in a visit to the health-club and spend many hours in front of the TV, but even so, applying for jobs has left me physically and mentally exhausted. I have put together a kind of a generic statement and hopefully on the CV, I’m coming across as ‘a good all rounder’; I’m left almost believing all the made-up crap about myself and am in wonder why nobody wants to interview me, let alone employ me! If nothing happens by the end of January I’m going to become a professional cleaner.

On Wednesday lunchtime I met up with Janet for our usual walk around the OU campus. Funmi was meant to come along but she was tied up with meetings. I hadn’t realised that it was foggy and very damp with droplets from the trees dumping on our heads all along the way. Not the best weather but it got Jan away from her desk and more importantly, gave me a break away from Phil. Wednesday wasn’t a good day for Phil; it was another pyjama day and I don’t think he actually left the kebab flat. On Wednesday night Harriet came over after work for supper; I cooked a roast chicken with frozen Yorkshire puddings and some green beans but unfortunately my roast spuds were not quite cooked. Weary by my culinary exertions, I was in bed before 9pm which was fortunate because I gather from Phil that all the electric tripped when Phil was cooking his sneaky midnight snacks, which he often does when I go to bed. He will never ever be thin and I say to him that it was a sign that he mustn’t eat late at night. Actually I’m just pissed off that my super duper combi oven is now f**ked as this is the only oven we have.

Yesterday Phil picked up Georgina and drove her to his mum and dads in Melton Mowbray for lunch which meant I had the whole day to myself. Actually I was up at 5am doing yet another job application. I find the morning is the best time for lying and abetting. Phil got up late and after breakfast I tidied the flat and when he’d left, I took myself off to the gym. I had a good workout, the best I’d had in a long while even though my ankle is playing up in the cold weather and I desperately need some new trainers. It was way past midday when I got back home for lunch. Phil made a hotpot of mince and veggies on Tuesday after seeing Tina on Big Brother make the same but unfortunately he made so much that I’ve had to eat it all week long. Don’t get me wrong, I love it and I’m grateful for the food on my table, but the same grub for 4 days in row sends me slightly round the bend in the taste department. For a brief moment I debated going AWOL and having a plate at David Lloyd but the credit crunch thing together with my unemployment status got to my conscience and in the end I just couldn’t do it and came home.

Carters phoned Phil yesterday to say that the investment buyer that put in an offer of £85k on the kebab flat a couple of months back had seen that the flat was still on the market and wanted to know whether we would re-consider his offer. Phil said “no way hosay” but suggested that the agent come back round to take some photo’s of the flat since the original photographs were taken before we did the flat up. It will be interesting to see if the investment buyer ups his offer. Phil did some research with the property pages from The Citizen yesterday and even in a depressed market, he thinks that the kebab flat is way underpriced. We certainly won’t sell it for a song, if we do go back to the Giffard Park house, we will simply rent the flat out and sit it out until the market is buoyant again.

My sister Julia is coming to stay tonight and I’ve made up the futon bed in the spare room in readiness for her arrival this evening. I’m excited as this will be the first guest that we have had to stay in the kebab flat. It will be good to see Julia and catch up with all her news and I’ve got some nice steak in the fridge for Phil to cook us and some cheese & biscuits, and a box of Elizabeth Shaw chocolate orange flutes and a gallon of beer and white wine. So we should be in for a good evening. Shame about the diet though. I will start again on Monday. I promise.

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