Wednesday 14 January 2009

Click Therapy

I read an interesting article in the Sunday Mail supplement entitled ‘Therapy at a click’ written by writer and author Jane Alexander. It was all about how she uses her blog to help cope with depression. A most interesting article and endorsed my own thoughts and theories about writing on-line journals as a form of self help. Of course, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but for me, writing about life’s trials and tribulations certainly brings some relief. It’s also a bonus with my rapidly diminishing memory, being able to go back to look at previous postings to look up things that I can’t remember like dates and names. Believe me; I use this tool all the time.

The continued horrible, bleak winter weather is not doing much to improve my mood and I am still hiding away in my little rabbit hole. Trouble is, Phil has joined me and also seems reluctant to venture far from the kebab flat. We did go out to The Odeon on Friday night to see Defiance with Daniel Craig. Christine joined us and I think she was quite bemused with our smuggled bike bottles full of wine together with plastic cups and scubbie snacks. The film was quite good in spite of the poor reviews, certainly had our full attention for 2 hours and 37 minutes.

Phil failed to mention in his last blog that not only did he not go out of the flat all day on Saturday; he didn’t change out of his PJ's all day. I think he did clean his teeth but he certainly didn’t make it into the shower. I was a bit better and went to David Lloyd in the morning but I did join Phil on the sofa and we spent the whole afternoon and all of the evening watching films. Sunday wasn’t much better either. We walked to The Giffard for a roast beef and Yorkshire pudding washed down with a bottle of house wine. It took us an hour each way. The walk to the pub was quite pleasant but our return walk was uphill and very cold and windy. I can tell you, we were pleased when we walked back into the kebab flat which is like a sauna at the moment.

On Monday I caught up with some domestic jobs before getting picked up by Christine just after 11am leaving Phil ‘home alone’ to his own devices. The weather wasn’t brilliant but it was mild and we had a good old wander around Olney. Christine was looking for a piece of furniture for her lounge and we found something that she liked that was within her price range. When the rain started we retreated into The Bull for a pub lunch. I have to say I was quite impressed with the food, although it was pub grub; it was good portions, tasty and well presented. Somehow the diet has slipped onto the back burner these last few days together with all my good intentions. I got back just after 2.30pm to find Phil already in his nightwear on the sofa in readiness for some serious TV viewing!

Yesterday morning we made it to the gym. It was packed with every member trying to stick to their new year’s resolutions. I hate it when it’s like this but I know things will ease off and by the beginning of February things will be back to normal. Phil had to go to Northampton to give Georgina a lift home from school and I went to the hairdressers for a few hours of stress and misery. I am now shorter and brighter but sadly lighter in the pocket department.

Last night as it was half price night at the cinema, we went to The Odeon to see Slumdog millionaire. This film has had some excellent reviews and I can tell you we were impressed. A bit of ‘Bollywood’ and ‘Hollywood’ all mixed together but none the less an excellent film. Poverty, deprivation, murder, love, family bonds, and TV game shows. A great film and I can certainly recommend it.

As I sit here at my laptop typing right next to the radiator, I see out of the window that Jack Frost has been out last night. It looks like its going to be cold out there this morning. I think I shall catch up reading all my blog sites and then I suppose I must fire off another job application.

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