Monday 19 January 2009

Friends, Flowers & Super Bugs

It’s been a fairly unremarkable few days but not without incident. I went to the gym on Friday morning whilst Phil took the microwave back to Curry’s. Luckily we had the receipt and even though it said to phone a helpline number in case of a fault, he decided to go to the shop and get an exchange instead. They didn’t have the same model as the one we had but Phil spotted a Kenwood combi oven in the sale knocked down from £200 to £115. It was a much better microwave then the one we had before and Phil only had to pay an extra 20 quid.

In the afternoon Jane popped round with Charlotte to the kebab flat for a cup of coffee. Charlotte has just got home after a gap year in Australia and New Zealand. I lent her my car whilst we were in Goa and she brought me a card and the biggest bunch of flowers to say thank you. They were lovely but it s a shame because they won’t last long in the flat. I tell you, I do not exaggerate when I say it’s like a sauna in here, even with all the radiators turned down.

Julia turned up just before 6pm having got a little lost even though she had a sat nav. I got her a beer and showed her round the kebab flat. She seemed a bit god-smacked and somewhat surprised at how small the place is. She said it made her house seem really big. We had beer, wine and champagne and spent the evening catching up with news and watching the big brother eviction. Julia didn’t want dinner as she’d had a big lunch so we just nibbled on cheese and biscuits and Bombay mix. A late night and needless to say, hangovers all round the next morning. Phil made a big greasy spoon breakfast for us all which seemed to help our heads. Harriet was going to come round to see Auntie Julia but she’s not good at early mornings and in the end Julia had to get off without seeing her.

After she left, Phil and I got her gym bags and were just about to get in the car to go to David Lloyd when Harriet turned up. We went back into the flat for a quick chat and then finally went to the gym. The plan was to have a swim in the outside pool and then have a Jacuzzi and a steam but the place was full of screaming kids so we just had a Jacuzzi and a 5 minute steam and then came home. As the sun was shining Phil thought it would be a good idea to walk to Furzton Lake. We got as far as the train station and I managed to persuade Phil to turn back. It wasn’t that I didn’t want a walk but it was colder than I thought and I only had my leather bomber jacket on and was feeling cold. Still it was still nearly an hour’s walk and we stopped off via M&S so Phil could stock up with half price puddings and a luxury pot of custard. Very naughty!

Phil made us steak, salad and M&S potatoes but unfortunately it wasn’t very nice. The steak had a funny taste, the dressing which Phil had smothered all over the salad wasn’t nice and the potatoes were soggy. Never mind, I washed up and we settled down on the sofas in front of the telly. We weren’t long into viewing when the buzzer went. It was David (posh plumber) and Pat who just happened to be shopping in the city centre and thought they’d pop in to see if we had a nice holiday. Actually it was nice to see them and I really should have phoned them when we got home to wish them a happy New Year.

Saturday night was spent on the sofas with a film. I went to bed relatively early and was blissfully unaware that Phil had spent the whole night in the toilet throwing up. I do remember at one point, him cuddling me and thinking he felt quite hot which is unusual because he’s normally freezing because I steal all the covers off him. Anyway, it was obvious on Sunday morning when he got out of bed and slumped himself on the sofa that he definitely had some kind of bug. When Phil doesn’t eat I know that he really is ill. He had a temperature and he said he felt like he had the flu. I left him to sleep it off and went to the gym for a quick workout. When I got back I went to M&S for ingredients to make cabbage soup. I have decided that we are going to follow the cabbage soup diet this week. Drastic measures are needed. I don’t know why but my stomach has been so bloated and distended these last few days and I now only have one pair of jeans that I can get into which are comfortable. If I don’t loose 10 pounds this week I am going to have to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe.

The soup took ages to prepare and 2 hours to cook. Phil was well enough to have a small bowl but then went on to have a bramble apple pudding with custard afterwards which made him go to the toilet again. He went to bed at 6 o’clock last night. I fell asleep on the sofa and got into bed at 1pm. I slept like a log so I’m not sure what sort of a night he’s had. He is, as I type up today’s entry, still fast asleep in bed. I just hope it’s a 24 hour bug and that he’s fully recovered when he wakes up this morning. I have a list of things for him to do and we both need to get our bums off the sofas and get back onto the job hunt.

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