Monday 26 January 2009

Girl on the run

I managed to sort of stay awake on Saturday night to see the grand finale of celebrity big brother. I was surprised but very pleased that Ulrika won. Phil wasn’t so sure about her, but despite a bad press over the years, I think she came across very well on the show. I was so relieved that Coolio didn’t get the top spot and I wasn’t so keen on Verne, he freaked me out. It was funny when he got pissed and drove his scooter into the diary room door but the incident with the doll was proper weird.

Phil got stuck into his OU course on Saturday. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but he’s studying ‘evolution’ for a half credit. It must be engrossing because he pretty much stayed put on the sofa all day, only getting up to make us lunch and clean his teeth. He didn’t even make it to the shower. I didn’t go to David Lloyd; having received another job rejection in the mail, I spent the whole morning on job websites applying for anything and everything. It would have been nice just to apply for jobs that I was interested in but beggars can’t be choosers and I shall have to take whatever is offered to me.

Phil made us a liver and bacon casserole with a mound of mash potatoes with cabbage, carrots, brocolli and sprouts. Unfortunately he could only get pigs liver in Waitrose and the casserole itself was a bit tough and I left most of it. This meant that later in the evening I was starving and found myself in the kebab shop ordering burger and chips. Why do I do these things???

Yesterday Phil took Georgina to see Slumdog Millionaire even though he had already seen it. He reckons it was much better the second time round. I tidied up and took myself off to the gym only to find that it jammed pack when I got there. In fact it was so packed I almost struggled to find a cross trainer. I must remember that if you don’t make it to the gym before 8am at the weekends, you may as well not bother. After my workout I picked up Christine and we went to The Old Green Man in Little Brickhill for lunch. We didn’t go into the main restaurant but instead settled ourselves by the fire in the bar. The bar menu wasn’t bad but we both opted for the Sunday Lunch. It was £8.50 which wasn’t the cheapest, but nonetheless, the lunch tasted good and was freshly cooked. After lunch we drove back to Christine’s and took Purdy and Buffy for a long walk around the lake. It was a bit wet and soggy underfoot but the early morning rain had disappeared and it was actually quite mild. I had a cup of tea and a mince pie when I got back to Christine’s and returned to the kebab flat just after dark.

And that, as they say, was the weekend. Today I have been across to the centre to get some new trainers because I am going to start running again. The plan is start off slowly and train up to do longer distances. Phil questioned why I needed new trainers and I told him that I had the same pair for 20 years. I was going to start on the diet today but Phil said we had to finish off the liver casserole and he’s just made bubble and squeak with the leftover mash and vegetables, which I’m sure, must be calorific. So much for the diet! I’m off out for a meal tomorrow night and then we’re probably going to go down to Devon to see some friends for a few days which will mean more and eating and drinking. But more about this trip tomorrow, for now I have to get to the gym for my first run.

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