Tuesday 6 January 2009

New Beginnings

It seems for the last 3 weeks, we have done nothing but eat, drink and be merry, and indeed we have. This last week has been spent either pigging ourselves in the kebab flat or out and about, catching up with friends. On Friday afternoon I went over to Christine’s and we took Purdy & Buffy for a long walk around the lake in Great Holm. Afterwards she cooked me some tea and I bored her with our adventures in Goa.

Phil had met up with Jimmy, Shirley, Dan and Tom and a handful of their friends in The Giffard. I felt tired and was tempted to go home but decided to stop off for one last drink to say hello and goodbye to Tom. Tom has been back home for the Christmas holidays and flying back to Korea on Saturday morning.

The pub was buzzing when I got there, I had forgotten that Friday night was karaoke night. I have never seen the pub so buzzing. It was good to see Jim & Shirley and the boys. Unfortunately my one drink turned into 3 or 4 so I ended up leaving the KA and cadging a lift back with Jimmy back to the kebab flat. I thought I was knackered because it was quarter to midnight when we got home but yet we stayed up to watch the launch of ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ which we had recorded earlier. Funny old lot this year, I have watched a couple of programmes since and I’m not sure I am going to be able to get into it. Perseverance says I will!

We felt a little worse for wear on Saturday morning but despite a late night we were still up with the lark. It’s taken us ages this time round to get over our jet lag and even though we’ve been back nearly 10 days I still don’t think I’ve recovered fully. Phil drove me to get my car from The Giffard but when we got there it wouldn’t start. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to do anything about it because we had to be at Mads & Steve’s in Olney. Steve had booked a table at The Three Cranes in Turvey. Surprisingly the pub was fairly empty and we were the only 4 in the dining room. It was nice to sit in front of a log fire even if it was a little on the smoky side. The food and wine however were delicious and we whiled away a couple of pleasant hours. Afterwards we dropped M&S back at their cottage and settled back in the kebab flat for a night of TV.

On Sunday morning we got up nice and early and drove to Melton Mowbray to see Phil’s mum and dad. Phil’s mum had booked a table at The Bowls Club for all of us and their friend, Glad. There was a match on at the Bowling Club and the place was packed. We all had a drink and helped ourselves to the carvery. I think Phil’s mum and dad were a bit bored having to eat another roast dinner but we were quite pleased because it’s the first proper roast dinner we have had in ages. When everyone was fed and watered we dropped off Glad and made our back to Phil’s mum and dads for tea and mince pies. It’s lovely to see Phil’s parents but I don’t see them that often and every time I do, they seem just a little more fragile and a little slower. Sad, but that’s life I guess.

Yesterday we started our new year’s resolutions. Okay a little late, but better late than never hey. We started over with the weigh in, Phil is starting off at 17 stone, 11 pounds and I’m kicking off at 8 stone, 6 pounds. All not good but we have to start somewhere. After breakfast we went to the health-club and managed quite a good session considering it was our first time back after many weeks. Whilst I was on the cross trainer I noticed the boyfriend of the council tenant living above us. This is the flat whose plumbing causes the leaks into our flat. Funny how they manage to claim full housing benefit, run 2 cars and now seemingly have a gym membership. Funny old world, I must be doing something wrong.

As I said above, New Year, new start. Phil and I both trawled the internet sites yesterday in the search for new jobs. I applied for a couple of jobs before we went away but haven’t been successful in getting an interview. I’m not too worried at this stage, I think most people only went back to work yesterday and it will take a while for things to get going. There must be a job out there somewhere with my name on it, surely? Phil says it’s because “I’m an old bird now” and maybe he’s right. Still, its early days and I’m not giving up hope just yet. Right now, I must finish my blueberries with low fat yogurt and get myself off to the gym!

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