Friday 9 January 2009

January Blues

I really hate this time of year and wish I could bury myself in a hole and hide away until the spring. January just has to be the most depressing month of the whole year. Sorry for the lack of postings but really we haven’t done much so hence nothing to blog about. Phil fancied getting some pyjamas so he took himself off to M&S to get some. He came back with a navy striped lounge suit comprising of t-shirt and knee length shorts. I had to laugh when I came back yesterday from running some errands only to find him in his PJ’s lounging on the sofa and it was only 2.45pm!

On Tuesday night we went to see ‘Yes Man’ with Jim Carey at The Odeon. It was a lightweight movie but it made us giggle and cheered up, what was otherwise, a bloody freezing, miserable night. Other than that, we haven’t done much, other than apply for jobs and watch TV. How exciting are we?

Even though it’s only the first week into the start of the year, I have already broken all of my new years’ resolutions – big time. The only thing I can boast about is the fact that we have made it to the health club every single morning this week without fail. Phil has been good with his diet and has lost a total of 6 pounds since we got back from Goa, 3 pounds this week. Although I haven’t been too naughty, I haven’t lost a single pound. Probably a direct result of too many hours spent sitting on my bottom watching TV. I must up the anti in the exercise department, actually think I need to ‘up the anti’ in every department of my life.

I am having a day off from applying for jobs and am going to catch up with domestics today. We have nothing whatsoever planned for the weekend so we’ll take it as it comes I guess. Hopefully next week, I shall come back a much happier bunny. For now, I shall publish this miserable entry and go back in my hole………….

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