Friday 5 December 2008

Happy Holidays

And so we come to the end of another week. It’s been nice to have a bit of a break from doing the blog plus it saves everyone from my dark doom and general moaning. I have also had a break from the cooking duties which has been good. We’ve had wonderful stir-fry concoctions which have been hot and tasty but have left me with a real yearning for some plain old English stew. Phil has taken this request on board and today we had liver and bacon casserole with creamy mash, sprouts and steamed spinach and carrots julienne style. All lovely but there was enough on my plate for a small army!

I have to apologise for the lack of photo’s. Phil’s camera is still in the camera repair shop being fixed after the dropped in at Lou & Mark’s BBQ. He’s hogged my camera ever since he finished and now when I’ve just downloaded his pictures, I can only find one of ASDA and one picture of the new 2 seater sofa. I’ll go with the later. Can’t say that I have achieved much or done anything particularly exciting (nothing new there). I’ve been round to see Funmi in her new house to see how works are progressing. I don’t think the works have gone as smoothly as she would have liked but I keep telling her that she’ll get there in the end. Indeed I popped round this morning and had a chat with her decorator-cum-handyman and he says things should be more or less there over the weekend. I am pleased for her; she deserves to be happy in her pad after living next door to the neighbours from hell in her last house in Fullers Slade.

One lunchtime this week (Tuesday I think) I went for my usual walk around the OU with Jan. It had been shit weather all morning and I thought I would have to cancel but the sun came out just before noon so we were lucky. I am not very happy with the OU this week, I have applied for 2 jobs at the OU that I could have done standing on my head and after spending hours on the applications, I received 2 letters of regret telling me that I hadn’t got to the interview stage. What’s going on??? Phil says I should ask for feed back but to be honest I can’t be arsed. It’s their loss and now that I have calmed down, I have come to the conclusion that it is not my destiny to go back and work there. End of.

Yesterday I went round to have coffee with Sandy across the way in our cul-de-sac. This is the first time that I’d been back since we moved out. It was a bit weird especially as my tenant was at home and his car was parked outside. Weird thing was I felt totally disconnected to our house even though we have only been away for about 10 weeks. Anyway back to Sandy. Alan her husband moved out into a rented place leaving the place in a right old state. It’s taken her a couple of weeks to get it to back to a liveable state. Her plan is to get a job, rent, out a couple of rooms and try and pay the mortgage and bills. I stayed way too long chatting away and Phil was not best pleased with me when I got home sometime just before 4pm, some 3 hours later.

Phil has been busy applying to hundreds of agents and submitting his CV on various websites. His phone was buzzing at the start of the week but it’s gone eerily quiet and he has nothing in the pipeline. Personally I can’t see anyone wanting to take someone on this side of the Christmas. My efforts in the job department have been nowhere as zealous as Phil’s. I did send off my CV for a job as an Events Co-ordinator at Willen in the early hours of this morning but on checking out the ‘Who’s Who’ on their website, the team seem to be all under 25 so I won’t be holding my breath.

As I’ve said before on this site, life is too short and you never what shit is waiting to drop down on you and so with this in mind, we’ve booked flights to Goa. We spent most of Thursday morning trawling through the internet and couldn’t seem to get anything under 600 quid. But Phil persevered and eventually found direct flights to Goa from Gatwick at £349pp which is an incredible price. So Phil handed over his credit card details and we fly to India a week on Saturday for 2 whole weeks. We haven’t quite decided where we going to be sleeping yet but we’ll just grab a Tuk Tuk from the airport and head for Colva. When we get there we can book a night at the Lucky Star and find Anthony our motorbike man and then we’ll be guns away. I can’t wait to escape this miserable country. Christmas holds no appeal at the best of times and the prospect of the festive holiday this year is particularly grim. The search for a job will just have to wait until the New Year. Unless of course, we win the lottery!

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