Saturday 27 December 2008

Fusion night out

We had already booked Christmas night at the Fusion but it didn’t start until 8pm so we were well oiled before we got there. Our day seems to start around 5am and finish at 9pm mostly. Maybe we will watch the 9pm film but Claire generally cant remember more than the first 10 minutes.

Although the starters were fantastic we were a little disappointed overall; the main courses were nothing compared to the starters and as far as I could see there was only one sweet. We were promised music yet there was none, nor even an explanation. For what they charged it was quite poor I’m sad to say. Beers and soft drinks were free but the wine is quite expensive there.

We spotted a couple from our hotel and joined them for drinks when we had had enough food. What a great couple, cant remember their names but just goes to show you we had a good night once with them. We seemed to be kicked out around 11.30 and headed home. When passing our new favorite restaurant we noticed there were no guest and asked if we could have a drink. Before we knew it, our neighbors from the hotel had also joined us as well. Sorry cant remember anyone’s names from Christmas night.

As everyone seemed to want vodka I ordered a bottle then each ordered a mixer for each. My logic was that it would save loads of money and the first couple drank vodka anyway so could take it home with them. This wasn’t necessary as we polished the whole bottle off anyway. No wonder I can’t remember anyone’s names!

A quiet day by the pool was called for as Claire had a hangover and really struggled to eat anything that lunch time. A final picture from our front balcony; you can see Claire in the top left hand corner where we bags with our towels way before the Germans get up.

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