Thursday 18 December 2008

The End of the Rainbow

Tuesday night (our last night at the Rainbows end) we took a taxi into Colva so as to try and catch up with Jack at the Tate but unfortunately he left shortly after the death of he and his wife’s baby. So sorry Jack and we hope you are ok now wherever you are; maybe you are still following our blog? One of the waiters told us that he has gone to work in Palm Bay on Mobor beach. It’s a shame we didn’t know earlier as we were close to mobor beach first thing as Betty’s is right next to it.

We stopped for a couple of drinks and were very pleased to see that they are making a success of the restaurant and bar; it’s always a gamble when you invest so much money on a new venture, especially in another country. Tate is just what Colva needed for all the expats and other westerners They are not even competing with the locals, well maybe Williams a little as there were hardly anyone at the bar when we walked past. While we were there a couple of cows wandered past; not an uncommon sight here in India.

We then walked down to Star Beach so as to catch up with old friends there but there were not many of them left but we still decided to eat there in the garden. Quite a lot of expats get in that bar as well but there none we knew from 2 years ago. Unfortunately the photo didn’t come out very good as it was very dark when you eat outside. They used to have music on Tuesday and Friday but its only on a Friday now. If you ever find yourself around the Colva area you must try “Dave’s special steak”, I don’t ever remember having a better steak in my whole life and I have sampled a few. A beautiful thick fillet with not a scrap of fat or gristle on it so every mouthful melts in your mouth.

We had arranged for our favorite taxi driver Julius to pick us up from the Star Beach at around 9pm and he even stoped for a quick drink with us before we set off home. We got a taxi from Majorda to Colva earlier and Claire didn’t want Julius to know as she thought he might be upset that we hadn’t phone him. I found it very amusing when she said, that she wanted dropping off at Williams because she didn’t want “Julius see us”.

We didn’t sleep all night again both waking for several hours, lets hope we sleep better at the Majorda. We got up to find 3 more dead cockroaches lying around and I took a picture of the biggest one. When we go out for the evening we spray an insect spray to kill the mosquitoes but it seems to get all insects as well. While sat on the toilet a movement took my eye; I huge frog hopped out from behind the sink pedestal. I said, “Good morning Mr Frog”, and he jumped back again.

We popped into Colva to do the usual laundry drop off, buy papers and visit the internet cafĂ© but as we were a bit earlier today we had time for breakfast at Domnick’s. Banana porridge with honey followed by fruit yoghurt all washed down with a cup of black ginger tea. The picture on the back wall in Domnicks was finally finished; when we were here 2 years ago we covered it in our blog of the time as the local artist started it and worked on it every day. Apparently the artist died earlier this year also so Domnick is probably his last work.

We also noticed that they have a wonderful lifeguard station on Colva beach and couldn’t resist posting a picture of it.

As we couldn’t get our entire luggage on the bike at the same time, I had to drop 2 bags off first and come back for Claire and the other bags. I felt like a proper backpacker walking up to reception. Lets hope we find our pot of gold at the End of the Rainbow!

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