Saturday 13 September 2008

Vandals stuck in the bathroom barking “pips” me off!

Quite an eventful week this week, returning from Portugal on Tuesday, starting back to work at Rexam on Wednesday and having to move house by the end of the month.

Whilst we were away on holiday it wasn’t long before we had a text message from Harriet as she had locked herself in the bathroom making herself late for work. Luckily her screams for help out the bathroom window were eventually acknowledged from our immediate neighbor Jason, who climbed up his ladder bring suitable tools with him. He ended up breaking the door handle, lock and woodwork to get her free. Harriet was very embarrassed wearing only a towel. Why she should have locked the bathroom door when she was the only one in the house I don’t know.

Our return home was greeted by the other neighbor’s dogs barking all night long. This constant barking forces you to close the windows so you can get to sleep but it’s not long before you wake up too hot and open the windows again. This cycle seems to repeat itself all night/week. I have now had enough and bought a few possible solutions to stop dogs barking to try and save their lives. Online I managed to find a mega sonic dog scarer, a dog collar that emits high pitched screeches every time the dog barks and also a mobile dog scarer for when were are next in India with the wild dogs there. I’m just off to the shops to get batteries for them and will keep you in touch with their effectiveness.

First day back at work and nothing had changed, it was a matter of hours and it already felt that I had never been away. It was a matter of hours before I received my first call from a tenant complaining that he had his bedroom window smashed whilst he was at work. This is surprising, especially as his bedroom is on the 3rd floor and there was no evidence of entry and nothing was stolen. I can only assume it’s an act of vandalism. Looks like the culprit even had the cheek to write his initials on the window.

Also since our return there is an occasional piping noise coming from downstairs somewhere. The exact location we cannot agree, Claire thinks its coming from a draw in a kitchen cupboard, I think it’s coming from the boiler in the kitchen and Harriet thinks its coming from the hall. As I’m not working today I thought I would track it down before I have a breakdown. I took down the smoke alarm form the hallway, taking it into the conservatory to eliminate it. Whilst I was carrying it, it piped so I knew I had found the culprit in one. Upon my return to the kitchen to give Claire the good news she said the piping hadn’t stopped so the hunt continued. I found 2 likely suspects in a draw, one of those walking pedometers and Claries slender tone machine so I took those into quarantine in the conservatory. Again one of them piped when I had it there and again Claire said there was still a piping in the kitchen. Have you ever had the feeling that things aren’t going right for you? Searching the draws once again I eventually found another smoke alarm which I smashed with my bare hands. The piping has now stopped!

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