Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Lion Hearts

Phil said that in my blog last week I didn’t say enough about our application to join the Lion Hearts Cruising Club. I thought I had, but just to appease Phil I shall offer further clarification. Phil came up with the idea of applying to the Lion Hearts club for a mooring as he thought it would be a good selling point when we came to selling our house. Since his application and our subsequent interview, we have since discovered that the moorings are not transferable and so therefore if we managed to get a mooring, we couldn’t simply transfer it to the new owner.

On discovering this, Phil wasn’t to be put off and is still keen to join the club and wait for a mooring. His plan now is that once we get a mooring we will buy ourselves a barge and live on it in the summer months. I am happy to try anything once but seeing as we have never even stayed one single night on a barge and bearing in mind our camper-van disaster holiday, I suggested to Phil that we should hire a boat for the weekend just to see how we get on. Preferably sooner rather than later, however with the onset of autumn we may have missed the boat this year but maybe we can find a small window of opportunity before the winter sets in. We are 5th in line on the waiting list for a mooring.

We won’t know whether we have been accepted as members of the Lion Hearts until the committee meets at the beginning of October. As a Lion Heart you are expected to attend meetings, participate in the annual Open Day, take your turn on the cleaning rotas and attend at least one working party. Moorings only become available when a member die’s, moves away or simply decides to give up boating and sell. There are only about 40 moorings and they don’t come up very often. I did say to Phil that it could be years before we could secure a mooring. That means years of taking our turn in cleaning the clubhouse toilets and generally doing our bit as members. I can’t say I relish this thought and Phil laughed his head when I made this realisation. Well he would wouldn’t he; it won’t be him that’s cleaning the loo’s week in, week out, it will be yours truly! Can my life get any better I wonder!????????

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