Friday 12 September 2008

Always things TO DO

Although we’ve had a short week it seems to have taken forever to get to Friday. As I predicted, Phil has found it very hard going back to work; he’s already reverted to his usual grumpy sighing old self and he’s only done 2 days! He’s glad he’s got the day off today but little does he know that I have got a long list of jobs for him to do so he’s not going to be a happy chappy.

It took me a couple of days to get through the washing and ironing from holiday and Harriet, bless her, also left me of a stack of dirty laundry to sort when I got home. I dedicated all of yesterday to packing. I’ve have decided to put most of our stuff in the attic as most of it is worthless and only of value to me and Phil. Definitely not worth nicking anyway. Having done many moves (this will be our 6th move whilst we’ve been together) I’d thought I’d streamlined our stuff but we still seem to have loads of it. Mostly books which I have put in the chest for our new tenant to enjoy, rather than hump them up the stairs and into the loft.

Although I was at it all day, I only managed to sort the lounge and the conservatory. Today we are going through the wardrobes which will be interesting because we have less than half the space we have now in the CCF. I don’t have many clothes because I’ve had to chuck them out because I’ve got paint on them so it will be Phil that has the problem. Mind you he seems to wear the same 2 pairs of trousers day in and day out so if he has a problem deciding which to clothes to take, I’m sure I can do it for him. I’ve already packed his ‘slim boy’ clothes; these are clothes that he hasn’t been able to fit into for the last 6 years and yet we have lugged them from Emerson Valley to Wordsworth onto Martingale and lastly Giffard Park. Phil doesn’t like to throw anything out.

Nothing dramatic has happened on the neighbour front although I can feel things bubbling away under the surface. I have had to tell Emma & Jason that we are renting and will be moving out at the end of the month. I could tell that they weren’t too happy and Emma has already said she will be watching our house like a hawk. I’m not sure whether this is a good or a bad thing but I know she means well. We are still being kept awake by the barking dogs the other side of us and after a very disturbed night Phil has finally ordered the mega sonic dog collars off the internet. Once they arrive he will have to go round to Neil and somehow persuade him to get the dogs to wear them. I don’t think he will mind especially if Phil tells him that a neighbour (won’t mention names) is threatening to poison them.

Things have been fairly quiet across the way at Sandy’s house and there hasn’t been any poker party’s recently. Actually Sandy came round for coffee yesterday and tells me she is moving back in as soon as she has sorted out the spare bedroom. She is hoping that she and Alan can live under the same roof but as a separated couple. I hope for her sake that this will work because it is preferable to kipping on a friend’s floor but something tells me it’s not going to be plain sailing. Is anything these days?

Well as I said, today is going to be a doing day and hopefully I will be able to tick everything off my already typed up ‘TO DO’ list by the end of play today. I have been up since 5.30am so I am already ahead of the game. I’m letting Phil sleep until 8am but if he’s not away awake by then I’m going up and give him a poke. No firm plans for the weekend, just packing, packing and more packing.

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