Monday 23 June 2008

We are family

I have to say that we had a really great weekend. On Saturday morning we loaded up the car and drove down to Lowestoft to see Phil’s Aunty Daphne. She’s not really his aunt, she’s a second cousin but Phil has always called her Aunt Daphne since he was a little boy. It wasn’t a great journey because it was pouring with rain all of the way down but traffic wasn’t too heavy and we made it in just under 2 and a half hours. We went for lunch at the local Harvester just round the corner from Daphne’s house and a few hours later we were on the A12 heading for Louise & Mark’s house in Woodbridge.

Louise and Mark have a big house with a large garden and tend to host a family B-B-Q every year or so. Thankfully the drizzle had stopped and the sky was clear when we arrived late afternoon. As usual Mark and Louise had everything organised to perfection, these two certainly know how to entertain. Soon everyone had arrived and before too long the party was in full swing. The top picture is Louise & Mark at the back, with my dad, me and Julia in the front row.

When I get together with my family I understand where my addiction to wine comes from. They all like a drink (or 10) so its obviously strong in gene pool! I had to laugh at Doug who at 88 managed to get through half a bottle of brandy and a few beers inbetween topping up with his oxygen tent.

This is Maureen with my nephew Daniel.

Doug (grandad with Uncle Brian)
Mark having a well rest at the end of the night
and below Louise and Ian happily posing for the camera!

Phil was on fine form and rocking and rolling before it even got dark. No change there!

I think most of the family had gone home by eleven but Louise & Mark and Julia me and Phil stayed up after midnight. It was at this stage Phil twigged that Louise & Julia were now his sister-in-laws and likewise Mark was his brother-in-law and kept calling everyone brother and sister. He is so funny sometimes when he's not grumpy. Shortly after this, he dropped his camera on the decking. It was at this point that I decided it would be a good idea to go to bed.

We were all feeling a little worse for wear the next morning but with endless cups of orange juice, tea and coffee, we all perked up a bit. It was a lovely morning and we sat outside eating bacon and sausage rolls which Mark cooked on his gas B-B-Q. After we had breakfast Grace, Louise & Mark's cat which into the house with a baby rabbit in his mouth. Mark rushed in and managed to prise the rabbit from Grace but it was a bit of a struggle. Phil was fascinated and captured the moment on camera.

Phil drove like a madman and we were back home just in time to watch the build up of the French grand-prix, with a beer of course. After this we watched Big Brother which Phil had recorded. After that I got out the sunbed and fell asleep outside in the garden leaving Phil to watch the qualifying of the grandprix which he'd recorded on Saturday. The wind woke me just before 7 and I went into the lounge to find Phil fast asleep on the sofa. Two hours later and we were tucked up in bed. Just goes to show how old we are getting. Can't keep up the pace these days.

1 comment:

Jim Robb said...

Its good to see Mark again, I don't think I've seen him for over ten years and he doesn't look any different. Please send him my regards.