Thursday 12 June 2008

These boots were made for walkin’

And that’s just what they did today. We set off at about 8.50 along the Rhine and Claire was raring to go. It started out a little grey but the sun soon came out making the river walk very pleasant. We walked from Kamp-Bornhofen through Kestert, Wellmich and St Goarshausen to Loreley where the statue is. Then back to St Goarshausen on the ferry across to St Goar but nobody came out to collect the money so everyone had a free ride. This is quite a walk (about 20km) and it was now 12.30 and lunch time so we were just about to look for a place to eat when we thought that we should just check the ferry times first. Good job we did as there was one in 15 minutes and not another one for a further 3 hours. We decided to catch it and have lunch in Boppard. Last time we came we had all driven from Kamp to Rudesheim, had lunch there and left Mum and Dad to drive the car back while we got the ferry to St Goar where we had lunch and then had the long walk back through Hirzenach, Bad Salzig to Boppard, across the ferry to Filsen and then walk back to Kamp.

I took more pictures of castles on this trip than anything else but only put 2 in

We decided to stop off this time at Bad Salzig so as to get Dad some more Liver sausage to bring home but hadn’t realized that it was another 5km back to Boppard. By the time we had walked there we were knackered and it was 2.50pm and most places had shut for the afternoon so the choice was limited. After lunch it was back across the ferry for another 3km walk home. By this time Claire was moaning a little about her blisters and aching legs.

She even had to take her boots off and walk the last 3km in her socks (well mine).

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