Monday 16 June 2008

Home Sweet Home & Harriet

As nice as it is to go away on holiday, it’s just as good to get home and sleep in your own bed. It was a long old drive from Germany and we got back to MK around mid afternoon. First up was a ‘how clean is your house’ inspection. Harriet had done a good job and everything looked in working order. She is definitely getting better in the cleaning department. Actually bless her - she has really been suffering while we’ve been away. Following her wisdom tooth removal, her wound got infected and she had to go back to the dentist for antibiotics, anti-inflammatory tablets and pain killers. Her face was swollen and red but over last weekend it swelled up even more to elephant man proportions. I was expecting her to be fully recovered by the time we got home but her face is still slightly swollen and, 10 days down the line, she still can barely eat and is kept awake at night with the pain.

Phil did a good job blogging about our adventures in Germany so not much for me to add, except to say, it wasn’t a bad week and better than I expected. As I have known Phil for nearly 25 years, I have heard lots about his eccentric Uncle Willie and his other relatives so it was interesting to meet them in person. They were all very pleasant and made me feel very welcome. It was a good day and I especially enjoyed the tour of the castle which was only slightly ruined by a call from a tenant complaining that their washing machine had stopped working.

I don’t see Phil’s mum and dad very often but each time I do, I can see that they’ve slowed down a little bit more. It’s sad to see but I suppose they don’t do too badly considering their age. Phil always reverts to a little boy when he is around his mum which irritates me enormously. That said, it is nice to be mothered and I was quite happy for her to fuss and wait on me, but not all the time I might add. Phil’s dad was more chatty than normal and insisted on paying for absolutely everything, even the wine we brought home with us. Phil was happy with this and put up little resistance. It’s always difficult with different generations and not always easy to judge how much time they wanted on their own without making them feel abandoned or lonely. But hopefully we got the balance right and they enjoyed their last trip to Germany (their words not mine)

We were so knackered on Saturday afternoon that we just slung our cases upstairs, popped to The Giffard for a late lunch and then settled in front of the TV and caught up with Big Brother which Phil had recorded. They are a weird bunch this year but I am liking Luke & Cat. I had thought that a week away would relax Phil and make him more chilled out, but oh no. On Sunday morning he was up with the lark and sawing wood in the garage at 6.30am. God only knows what the neighbours think of us? I left him to it and got on with the usual post holiday domestics - washing, ironing, cleaning, shopping and cooking. I got all these done and even managed to mow the lawn. However I was knackered by the end of the day and asleep in bed before 9 o’clock. Phil came to bed sometime later and I took off his glasses and switched off the TV in the middle of the night.

However like a man possessed, he was up with the birdies and sending me emails at 5am this morning and working in the garage before 6. I have already had to go out twice and tell him off for making too much noise and suggested he do some paperwork until the neighbours go to work, but he is ignoring me. I have decided to leave him to it. I have eaten my boiled eggs on toast washed down with 3 cups of tea. I’ve sipped my hot water with lemon, gulped down my organic apple cider and fresh organic orange juice with a dash of omega-3 oil and in a minute I’m going to take myself to the gym. I am, after all, RE T I R E D!

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