Friday 20 June 2008

Friday Fun!

Just out of curiosity I typed in the words ‘naked blogger’ into the Google search engine yesterday to see what sites came up. The search brought up mostly naughty sites and made me think twice about out choice of blog title, which you may or may not know, stems from our adventures in India. Perhaps we should have chosen a more conservative title but what’s done is done and to late to change now.

I pinched this picture from the site which was at the top of the search engine list, and no, in case you’re wondering, Phil doesn't blog in the nud; in several states of undress maybe but never starkers! Still on the subject of blogs, Steve Buckton has started a new blog, sharing firsthand his experiences in Japan where he will be working for the next year or so. Steve has invited me and Phil to go over and visit him so I shall be following his blog with interest. Check it out for yourself

Phil has been working solidly in the garage all week. Just as we sat down for lunch yesterday the truck pulled up outside with the delivery of plasterboards from B&Q. It was exciting to watch the truck drive hitch up the crane and watch the plasterboards fly over the cards and land outside the garage door. So exciting in fact, that I just had to get out my camera; much to the amusement of Phil and the truck driver. Phil was keen to get started on the boards after lunch and asked me to help put up the plasterboards for the garage ceiling. They were really heavy and it took all my strength to hold them while he got in enough screws to hold them up. I think sometimes he forgets I’m a girlie and being half the size as him, just don’t have the body strength that he has. The erection of the plasterboards seemed to intrigue the neighbours in the cul-de-sac and we had a stream of visitors throughout the afternoon.

First to pop over to see what was going on was Kevin, Sandy’s son. It wasn’t far into the conversation that Kevin let slip that Phil had woken him up with all his banging and sawing. Unfortunately Kevin’s bedroom window backs onto our driveway. Next over to take a look, was Kevin’s mum, Sandy. I haven’t seen Sandy for ages so it was nice to catch up with all her news. She said if Phil was driving me crazy, I could pop over for a coffee anytime I wanted. Before the afternoon was out, Emma popped in for a progress inspection on her way to the park with the kids. Last to take a peek was Jason after he returned home from work. Jason is going one step further than Phil and in the next couple of weeks will be converting his garage into an office-cum-utility-cum storage room. It will be interesting to compare the garage conversions when they are both finished.

Phil thinks that I have been lazy all week and to be honest I suppose I have had a relatively easy ride this week, whichI have to say makes a pleasant change. Although I’ve not done any physical grafting like Phil, I’ve still had to do the washing, ironing, admin, shopping, cooking, blogging and housework which all takes time. Although we both wake up early I have to have a cup of tea in bed and this week I've made it to the health club every morning bar yesterday for a workout and a swim. Phil knows in his heart of hearts that I’m not lazy really and when there’s work to be done I will be straight on the job. Like next week when he finishes his plasterboards, I will be in the garage painting the false ceiling and the walls. We’re hoping to save money by painting the plaster boards instead of getting a plasterer in. The next job will be to fit kitchen units and all being well we should have it all finished by the end of next week and then we can start on the next project. Sometimes I wish I had a proper job!


Phil said...

Claire that picture is great, you need to get permission to use it on our front page. It's perfet!

Claire said...

Thank you darling, it rather reminded me of you!