Wednesday 11 June 2008

The Mosel

We have had 2 of the best nights sleep that we have had for months here, we believe because of the blackout shutters that they have over here. The first night Claire woke up for the toilet and couldn’t find the bathroom and was climbing around the room when I woke up and switched the light on. Our long sleep last night meant that we had a later than ideal start on our long trip to the Mosel and our first stop of Bernkastel. The satnav seemed to be taking us the wrong way so we stopped and had a look at the map and it seemed close enough to trust. The journey ended up taking us 9 minutes whereas it took us 150 minutes to return along the Mosel coastal road so the satnav did know what it was doing but didn’t take the views into account.

Bernkastel is a very pretty old town with houses dating back to the 16th Century. It was a bit steep in places and also cobbled but Mum somehow managed even though Dad had us walking backwards and forwards looking for his favorite restaurant. We all had a lighter than normal lunch as the usual pork steaks were beginning to wear thin. We set off back along the river after lunch stopping off here and there for a quick walk around. Cockem is a nice town if anyone is interested but we didn’t stop there this time as we had had a day there 2 years ago when we brought my parents last time. I used to like this town as a child, I remember waiting my turn for a go at waterskiing for hours, only to miss my turn when the engine broke down on the boat just as it was my go.

We didn’t arrive back to Kamp until about 4pm so Claire and I made a quick getaway for our daily walk. We had earlier decided to walk along the Rhine to the ferry where we crossed the river to Boppard. We arrived just as the ferry was leaving our side and had to wait for a whole cycle. We both love Boppard which is another typical oldy worldy town on the river. We had a quick walk around before stopping for some liquid refreshments, and boy, was Claire ready for some! We found a nice little restaurant in a narrow street with a modern menu and decided to sample a starter each which we shared so as to taste 2 dishes each. It had the strange name of Steverus Stusse but we would recommend it and I hope we find time to eat a proper meal there before our return.

We headed back to the ferry and walked back into Kamp stopping off at a little bar for a nightcap whilst watching the sun go down; bliss!

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