Wednesday 18 June 2008

The garage goes upmarket

I forgot to mention that Phil put on a whole half a stone whilst we were on holiday. Not surprising really given all the chips, cake and sweeties he ate. Phil’s mum just loves to feed her boy and when I spend time with his parents I understand where his relationship with food comes from. My husband is definitely someone that lives to eat and not eat to live. When I was living on my own I survived on wine and hot beef baguettes but living with Phil soon put paid to that and these days I am nearly as bad as him. The good news is that the diet police have been back on duty and only 5 days home and Phil has lost 5 pounds! Mind you -he has been slogging his guts out working in the garage and all that sweating, panting and drilling will have definitely help burn up calories.

As the sun was shining on Monday afternoon and Phil was tired after his 5am start, after lunch, Phil suggested a bike ride. I wasn’t really keen because I’d already had a good workout at the gym but I fancied a break from my jobs. I thought we’d have a leisurely pedal along the lake, but oh no, Phil’s destination was the Three Locks at Stoke Hammond. The ride along the canal took us past Peartree Bridge, Simpson, Bletchley, Fenny Stratford and after the last leg biking though stinging nettles, we finally arrived at the Three Locks pub.

Naturally we had to stop for a drink even though it was meant to be a non-drinking day. Phil suggested carrying on a further 4k to Leighton Buzzard but I said "no way ho-zay" and after our drink we headed back for home. Somehow we got a little lost and ended up biking through the OU before finding the path along the V10. By this time, Phil was huffing and puffing and his bum was hurting like crazy and he was glad that we hadn’t gone on further to Leighton Buzzard. My backside was aching too (and still is) but there was no way I wasn’t going to admit it!

My muscles were killing me yesterday but Phil was up and back in the garage at 5am, no doubt annoying the neighbours with his sawing and banging. I went to the health club for a rather pathetic workout and spent the rest of the day doing domestics. Emma from next door, curious to see what the banging was all about, poked her head around the garage door and Phil explained his plans to her. These include fitted kitchen units, complicated electrics and a suspended ceiling. Phil thinks it will add to the value of the house. I’m sure he is right but I just want a ceramic floor so it doesn’t matter if I drop the washing when empting the machine. It's all a bit of a mess at the moment and I'm not sure Emma could picture Phil's vision, not even I can at the moment. But it’s all or nothing with Phil; I tell you, by the time he is finished, we’ll have the fanciest garage in the cul-de-sac!

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