Saturday 18 July 2009

Night Out on the town

Tuesday night we went out for a quiet drink but it didn’t end up that way. We took the bike as we thought we would only have a couple at the Elixir Hotel as they were doing aperitifs at 5.30pm, just about the right time for us. We sat at the bar and it wasn’t long before the owner started to talk to us; he even took our photo. The aperitifs were about 16TL with a cocktail but we decided against it but our new best friend insisted that we had some on the house. I didn’t because of my strict diet but Claire forced quite a few down as she was hungry. On our way out he offered to show us around the Turkish baths as Claire had asked for prices. He showed us around the baths and then we carried on up the stairs to the indoor pool on the roof terrace. The views around the terrace were spectacular, what a great place for a party.

We then crossed the road and Claire asked for prices and had a look around that one. It wasn’t as big but it was less than half the price of the Elixir so Claire booked that one. We then decided to stop off at the hotel where our transfer was supposed to drop us off but we changed it at the last minute. This is called Hotel Kalamar after the bay it overlooks. These were the best views so far with a full 180 degree sea view. We had several more beers there and talked to a couple that were on their honeymoon.

We were then off home but Claire said that she wanted to have a quick look inside the Xanthos Hotel that is closest to us. We went in the main entrance around the side and it’s quite nice and we could smell the BBQ that they were having that night. We said to the man on reception that we were not staying there but would it be possible to go in for a drink but he wouldn’t let us as it was a private BBQ for guests only. We drove around the side to come home but there were some steps up to the garden where the pool and BBQ was being held so we chanced our arm and walked straight up to the bar and sat down. We ordered a drink and the boss of that one came and spoke to us as he didn’t recognise us. We asked him if it was ok that we just had a drink at the bar and he said no problem; we could even take the table at the top near us and have the BBQ if we wanted. When Claire came back from the toilets I asked her if she wanted it and she did but another couple were just plonking themselves at our offered table. In the end it smelt so good that Claire decided to have the BBQ at the bar and the staff set a place up for her. It was great, they had dancers and music and there were lots of people there.

As the night went on, more and more of the people from the pool were coming up to join us and the party was soon with us. I even started to have Raki’s with one of them; remembering the last time that happened in North Cyprus. When I say remember, I couldn’t remember, it’s lethal stuff especially after a load of other drinks. I know we didn’t leave before 1.30am at least but neither of us could remember leaving, going home or paying. In the morning we found that we had at least left our bike outside the hotel and not driven it home so it could have been worse. We are now too frightened to go back there, in case we didn’t pay. Good job I wasn’t doing the diving that next morning. It’s time to stay in for a few nights now and get ready for our next night out which will probably be around the harbour area as there are so many restaurants to chose from and they all have lovely views.

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