Wednesday 29 July 2009

My bum’s better

You will all be pleased to hear that my bum is finally better. It was still very painful right to the end of our holiday in Turkey but then on the plane it took a turn for the better. I got a massive bout of wind which seemed to do the trick and now I’m back to normal. I have never had such wind in my life; I couldn’t stop all the way home. At one time I almost didn’t need to breathe out, just breath in through my mouth and out down there.

Sorry we couldn’t finish the holiday blog off but, as Claire explained, we got the computer wet on the boat trip and it hasn’t worked since. Just need to find the receipt now so it can go back to the menders. I took my watch back Monday so I don’t know what time it is anymore. Since we got back we have been doing odd jobs here and there, around the flat, in the garden mending the gate and fence, concreting a washing line support, cutting grass etc. Of course we have had to stop and start with the weather, dodging the rain. We will put Jim and Shirley’s on the market at the end of the holidays as not much happens at this time of year. I have rang around all the agents today and register with all of them so we can buy another one, renovate and sell on straight away. None of them had anything suitable when I rang and John Woollett didn’t have any houses to sell at all but they have got an auction on 25th September so I registered for that and they will send me the auction pack when its available. Looking forward to that, never been to one before so our plan is to visit everything at the auction and set our price for them without bidding and see what they go for. See if any go for less than what we think its worth and how many go for more. Especially as our favorite TV program is “Homes under the hammer” at the moment.

To sum up Turkey I would say that its hot, pretty, hilly and getting quite expensive, especially in the area we stayed in but that has the added bonus of keeping the rabble out so, although touristy, they seem a better class of tourists in that area. There is a lot to see, lots to do, plenty of history and really good food, we didn’t have a bad meal the whole time we were there. The quality of the fruit and vegetables are superb, really fresh and tasty. The tomatoes and melons are especially tasty and cheap. There are loads of islands that are cheap to visit with boat trips going out every day. The couple that shared a taxi with us to the airport when on the boat to Meis, the largest of the local islands and its Greek so you could change your diet for the day. We didn’t get around to them this time but if we ever go back we definitely will be seeing a few of them and maybe I could go on a dive again if everything holds out. I don’t want another ruptured fart chamber.

The first two pictures are taken in “The Lounge”, in the end our favorite place which only opened this year. The owner was ordering me Raki’s at the end of the night, not good when you are on your bike. They have a small band on everyday and the place is very clean and modern and has excellent food at sensible prices. You must try this if you are in Kalkan. The next 4 pictures are from the boat trip which is good value for money if you come here. The owner’s son waiting to throw out the anchor, some people covered in mud on Green island or “Grinch” island as the son said. If you get off there be sure to take some shoes as it was impossible for me to even stand up without them. These massive hornets kept attacking me thinking I was immobile but I managed to swat one of them and killed it with my long floaty thing. Trouble is when another one discovered the dead one, she came back with 3 mates to have a real go at me, I was swinging the float around my head for a couple of minutes before they went away. The next one is of Kalkan harbor from the boat and the last one is Kalkan dive centre from the boat where I got my open water certificate. This area is actually Kalamar beach and we stayed a couple of rows higher; I can actually see our place but its difficult to point it out. The next photo is taken from the dive centre and the one after is from our balcony one evening when we seemed to have a little meeting outside. The last one just shows how great the views are in this area; this was taken from the gent’s toilet in the Kalamar hotel; I wish we had views like that from our toilet.

Go and visit this area sometime, its well worth it and if anyone wants to know more about the villa that we stayed in just contact us on this blog and we will pass you over to our friends Jill and Tony who own it. Thanx very much Jill and Tony for letting us stay there, we loved it. I’ve left you a couple of beers for when you go back next month.

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