Wednesday 22 July 2009

It’s a long way to Kekova

We had a walk around the harbour last night looking for a boat trip to organise before we come home. Most we tried to start with were fully booked until next week as it is now high season. We had to walk to the end before we found one that could fit us in for tomorrow on Thursday. We paid our deposit and he gave us a receipt which said it was for Friday so he took it back and changed it to Tuesday. I said we want Thursday and all was well third time lucky. They seem a nice little family with a small boat that can only take 12 passengers. He did tell us where we will be going but all I can remember is Snake Island. We had a couple of drinks in a quite posh bar and Claire felt uncomfortable so we decided not to eat and come home. I think I put too much vodka in Claire’s drink before we came out. As we felt a bit peckish we stopped off at the Chinese restaurant on the way back. Don’t bother, it was probably the worst Chinese I have ever had and with very grumpy service and also it wasn’t cheap.

We set off first thing without putting the daily blog on before we left as we had a long bike ride ahead of us; we set of for Kekova which a bit too far for that little bike we have. Lovely views over Kas as the road made its way over the mountain. We almost turned back as there seemed no end to the journey but we did soldier on until we got there. It’s very pretty but there was nowhere to park in the harbour so we had to head on out and find this little weird place that was obviously a homemade sort of tree house. I did manage to get a couple of photos on the way back up the hill again but it was very hot and a bit misty today.

We seemed to get back allot quicker than we got there and stopped off at our favourite restaurant on the peninsular called Akropol; we really highly recommend this place with stunning views and excellent food. We both had the fillet steak as it is probably the best in Turkey and with it we ordered Austrian fried potatoes with onions and a Mexican salad. Claire opted for the pepper sauce and I tried the Mexican one.

Mmmmm the highlight of the day! Looking forward to our boat trip now.

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