Tuesday 13 May 2008

The strange tale of the West Indian Mouse-Rat and the spitting Spider-Snail

“Spider-Snail, Spider-Snail, does whatever a Spider-Snail does”. Following our second night here in Sal, Claire told me of her dream where she worked in a warehouse in Milton Keynes. The warehouse was located where the flat is that we are renovating but it was infested with mice. Well rats; no Mice-Rats and they didn’t have normal mousey fur but tight black curly hair.

Strangely that night I had a very similar dream, we were both working in a warehouse in Milton Keynes located where the flat is that we are renovating. We were just exploring the basement (that the place doesn’t really have) when I saw a snail slither down on a slimy silk thread from the ceiling. It started to swing towards us but we managed to move out the way. It then started another swing towards us and again we moved but only as much as we anticipated its swing could reach. To my surprise the snail then spit something at me that hit me on the side of my head. I felt it was some sort of pneumatic propulsion using compressed air. I quickly managed to get two of the bits off my head that hit me. A white rectangular bit and a more triangular yellow bit, both were living and wriggling, a bit slug like and muscular. The third smaller bit managed to wriggle inside my ear before I could get it. This was orange and more like a very thin maggot that could fix itself onto you like a leech from the back of its body. I now had to wait the long process where it would eat my brains out.

It doesn’t take Sigmund Freud to work out Claire’s dream but what on earth was I dreaming about? Especially as I had copied Claire’s dream so closely, she obviously makes a strong impression on me.

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