Tuesday 27 May 2008

Bank Holiday fun

Phil finished early on Thursday afternoon at Rexam and he insisted on celebrated by dragging me to The Giffard. No that I needed much persuasion mind you, but I was still in my work clothes, so a bit of notice so that I could shower and get of my paint togs would have been good. Phil has been hyper ever since and I do hope he calms down by the end of the week because I am struggling to keep up with him. In fact, to be absolutely honest, after only one weekend being together 24/7 and I am mentally and physically exhausted!

Mind you, this is not just down to Phil being hyper, but more likely down to the fact that with we have both been working solidly in the flat all day Friday, Saturday and all day yesterday. This wasn’t too bad, for if the weather had have been bright and sunny I would have been tempted to bunk off and go for a nice long walk along the canal instead. But as it’s been bucketing down practically non-stop for the last 2 days I didn’t mind going to work. There has been no time to go to the gym but we did get to David Lloyd for a jacuzzi and a shower. This is Phil trying out the heated spa bed. I had lost my locker key and had to take my sports bag in to the pool area and just couldn’t resist snapping him. He wasn’t very pleased with me!

The weekend wasn’t all bad. On Saturday we went to David’s (our posh plumber) and his wife Pat’s for dinner. David, bless him, even came over to pick us up so we could have a drink and get a cab home. David and Pat live in a terraced house in Wolverton with a very long garden. They’ve been there for 8 years and have totally renovated the house. It was interesting to see inside a typical Victorian house and they’ve made a good job of it. Pat made us a lovely dinner complete with cheese and biscuits washed down with port. I drank far too much white wine and Phil guzzled too much port; it was a very late night and we both were suffering in the morning.

We had invited Mads & Steve over to watch the Monaco Grand Prix and we were expecting them just after midday in time to watch the build up before the race start. With a fuzzy head, I just about had time to hoover, clean the loos, throw in some washing and get out the nibbles that thankfully, I’d had the sense to buy ready-made from Marks & Spencers the day before. I recall that Phil didn’t help me and settled himself in the lounge with the Sunday papers. No actually he did help me with changing the bed. This is not a job to do alone and Phil always likes to race me in getting the quilt ends in and square. I let him have his fun and of course he always wins! Boys will be boys. Mads & Steve arrived not long after I’d finished my jobs and Phil & Steve soon settled themselves on the sofas in front of the plasma. Mads had brought along her mixer and the ingredients to mix a sponge cake which she wanted to bake in my oven, so we watched the race in the kitchen. I really wasn’t in the mood for more alcohol but I cracked open a beer which took me 3 hours to drink. Mad opened the wine she’d brought because, unlike me, she didn’t have a hangover from the night before.

Unfortunately me and Mads were chatting and missed most of the middle of the race but I did get to see Hamilton win. Well done Lewis! After the post race interviews and the cake was ready to take out of the oven we put on our coats, got out the umbrellas and braced the wet weather to walk to The Giffard. Surprisingly there were a quite a few in, but then again, I suppose us British like to go out on Bank Holiday’s come rain or snow. We ordered a main course and some wine and wiled away a couple of hours drinking and chatting. After eating we went back to ours for knicker-bocker-glories and chocolate sundaes and some sobering coffee. I helped Mads with her online airport security test on my PC which she needs to pass before starting work at Terminal 5. This took a couple of hours and after going through the tutorial we did the test together. Amazingly we passed with flying colours even though we had quite a bit of wine. I dunno maybe it helped! Mads called a cab which was just as well because Phil had fallen asleep at the sofa by this time.

Phil did his usual trick of getting up for a wee around 4am and then not going back to sleep and disturbing me. So yet again yesterday morning I woke up feeling knackered before the day had even started. No rest for the wicked though, we were back at the flat before 8 o’clock. Even though we tried to be quiet it’s difficult in a block with no carpets and I am sure we are very unpopular with the neighbours. Gee the polish handyman turned up at 9.00 am as promised to paint the communal hallway and landing. I could have done it myself but sometimes its nice to have some help. Last week we paid Gee and his partner to cut the grass and lop back some of the trees. And I personally took the 10 bags of grass to the tip. I have also done all the gloss work in the communal area, cleaned the windows and varnished the stairs. In my opinion Gee is value for money and anyway, I am going to try and get some money out of the other owners as I don’t see what we should pay for it all and do all the work.

By the way if anyone is in need of a handyman I can recommend Gee and his company Polifix. As his sign says, he specialises in painting, tiling and gardening tidy up. He did a great job sorting the garden at the TMA flat and I have asked him to come and sort out our garden when the weather improves. Today we are back with Gee at the flat but it’s an exciting day because if we get our fingers out there is a strong chance this could be our last day and we will be finished. Fingers crossed – I’m ready for a day off before starting on the next project!

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