Saturday 31 May 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

It was go go go yesterday in spite of the hangovers and a general lethargic feeling after, what was, a very late night for Phil. We started off the day slowly with bacon and egg sandwiches made by Phil and lots of cups of tea. Luckily Steve didn't have to rush off and he kindly helped Phil load the car with the futon frame and mattress which they then took to the TMA flat. While they did this I went to the CCF to paint the brown water stains on the bathroom ceiling. Lindsay had called me whilst we were at the pub to say that the plumber had indeed come back to fix her leaking toilet.
Phil brought Steve to have a look at the CCF but it transpired that he has seen this flat before.

Whilst I was at the city centre I walked over to the market to get some fruit and veg and some flowers for Phil's mum before returning home to cook the lunch. After Steve left for Loughborough Phil went back to the TMA flat to give the floor one last clean before the carpet fitters turned up. They were booked for fitting in the afternoon anywhere between 12 and 6pm, but sods law and wouldn't you know it, they called me to say there were sitting outside the flat halfway through me cooking lunch. I switched off the potatoes and dashed over to the flat. It didn't take them look to lay the underlay and carpet and new shiny silver room dividers. The whole place was transformed when they finished and I was really happy. I bumped into the Polish tenant from across the hall when I was going down the stairs to take out the rubbish and invited him to take a look at our flat. He was impressed and told me I was a good woman. He also thanked me for his new door mat which was sweet because I was a bit worried that some of the residents may be slightly narked that I had thrown away their old mats without asking.

After a tasty plate of weight watchers quiche, new potatoes and salad we made our way back again to the TMA flat. We were under pressure because Phil had booked an estate agent to come out for a valuation at 3.30pm and we had less than an hour to put up the futon frame, fix the fan heater in the kitchen, clear out all the decorating stuff and generally clean up. Talk about stress, it was a bit like that 60 minute makeover programme on ITV. Thank goodness we just about finished it all and I pulled out of the close just as the agent pulled in. Phil said the agent liked the flat, and in turn Phil liked the agent, so he has instructed him to put it on his books. Hopefully he will do the business and it will sell soon. Fingers crossed!

After a hot shower and a change of clothes we got in the car and went to the City Centre flat to meet Mr Dutta to collect the signed contract and hand over the keys. Mr Dutta arrived first closely followed by his brother-in-law and his friend. The handover took nearly an hour but we were home in time to crack open a bottle of cheap bubbly to celebrate and settle in front of the TV to watch 'A Taste of My Life'. How sad are we?

Sad but happy. Phil has just left to pick up Georgina and take her to his mum and dads for the day. Harriet stayed at Shane's last night and hasn't returned to base so I have the whole house to myself. Bliss! I do have few domestic jobs to do this morning and I want to go to Lidl's for the grand reopening today but I may be lazy and take the whole afternoon off. Maybe a walk round the city centre or perhaps even a trip to the cinema?

Who knows - I may even make the most of the peace and quiet and stay at home and do nothing.......................

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