Tuesday 30 June 2009

Roots, mould and the weekend

I was pleased to see that Phil had got up way early yesterday morning and had published the blog along with photo’s before I’d even woken up but I was really surprised he didn’t mention the awful, disgusting, dirty job that we had to do on Saturday. As a direct result of David, the posh plumbers crap plumbing which caused our toilet to leak and pour raw sewage into the flat below us at the TMA (Two Mile Ash) flat, the landlord of the downstairs flat asked us to make good the damage to his flat. Quite rightly so and as we’ve had the same thing happen to us (several times) at the kebab flat we didn’t mind accepting liability.

Initially Phil went to inspect the damage and came back to me and said the walls and ceiling weren’t so bad in the kitchen but the mould was really bad in the bathroom. We’ve got so much on our plate right now we went back to the agent and said get a contractor in and come to us with a quote. The decorator came back with a quote for £575 and said the work would take 3 days. We said “sod that, we’ll do it ourselves” and on Saturday morning we went in at 9 am with the key to no 19. Now I don’t mind getting my hands dirty one bit but when I saw the state of the bathroom I felt like turning round and walking straight back out.

Number 19 is a studio flat and not a very well maintained flat. Somehow Phil got the job of the kitchen and yours truly got the bathroom, not sure how that worked out? The bathroom was so filthy; I had to get the pedestal mat up with a knife as it had obviously never been lifted up and washed. Before I could even start attacking the mould, I first had to clean the toilet pedestal and the entire floor and the skirting. Once that was done I got going with bare bleach and wiped all the ceiling and walls. I had forgotten to bring along plastic gloves, masks and eye goggles, so as I scrubbed bits of damp mould were spraying me, ohhh disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the bleach, I brushed on the ‘get rid of mould’ stuff. This should have wiped off the mould once it was dried, but it was so bad it wouldn’t budge when I wiped so I had no option but to get going with the roller and the emulsion. Two coats later and a few touch ups in-between and I’d just about managed to cover up the mould. Really, the ceiling needs re-plastering and as I was touching up bits of plaster came away. That said, I think it looks 100% better than before and the tenant gets a clean bathroom thrown in. Phil came into inspect and said he thought it needed another going over; I told him where he could go!! Not only did I get the bathroom but I also had to cut in and help Phil finish the kitchen, he is so slow at painting. I can tell you, I was glad to get finished and get out of that flat. Sometimes I hate my life and Saturday was one of those times. But, once we were all cleaned up and sitting in the Papaya restaurant in Oxley Park eating a very tasty Thai green curry and sipping a Singh beer all was soon forgotten. At the end of the day, 3 and a half hours of hard work apiece saved us £575 which just about covers the cost of our holiday.

Saturday aside, the weekend wasn’t all hard work; we took Saturday afternoon off and just lolled on the sofas and caught up with some TV. We haven’t been able to get TV on demand with BT vision and after several tests on the line and numerous phone calls from BT, we think they are going to stop our service and give us a refund. It’s a shame really because we really like BT vision and we’ve waited 4 weeks to get our service up and running, but alas, to no avail. We’ve also paid £175 to get a digital aerial installed which in hindsight seems a bit of a waste of money now. I’m not sure where we go next, Sky I guess because we simply can’t live without TV on demand; well I could but not my Phil!

We went to work at the OB flat on Sunday but again we finished at lunchtime and took the afternoon off. I cooked a roast chicken with spicy chilli salad and new pots which we sat and ate in the garden. Afterwards we read the Sunday papers and then went to David Lloyd for a swim and a shower. Early evening we watched some of Glastonbury on the telly and then it was early to bed. How exciting are we????

Phil’s weight loss, great at first, has slowed way down and he has reached a bit of a plateau. I feel sorry for him and I know he hasn’t cheated. I know this because there is nothing naughty in the fridge to eat and I check the bins (both inside and out) for evidence of sneaky snacks after I’ve got to bed. He is a bit down hearted and I think on the verge of giving up and going back to his bad boy days but I hope he doesn’t, he is doing so well. He is working his socks off in the flat and yesterday he even managed 20 laps of the pool after work, even though his knee is hurting him. He looks fitter and thinner and if he carries on, he will soon be in the fifteen stones. As for me, on my diet, the weight is pouring off, just need to tone up a bit now.

Phil went to the flat this morning at 6.30am but I’ve stayed behind to put on a blog and make a chicken balti. Phil was really disappointed with the cold chicken salad that I served up for lunch yesterday so I feel I need to make him something a bit more satisfying today. When I’ve done the lunch I need to go to the flat to paint the airing cupboard and then I’ve got to go to Saks for my hair appointment. Two and a half hours of sitting in front of a mirror listening to Rachelle in the boiling heat is my ideal of hell but grey roots are sprouting by the minute so no pain, no gain, its gotta be done.

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