Saturday 6 June 2009

Signed, Sealed and SOLD!

A quick blog to say that yesterday, we finally completed on the sale of the kebab flat. It happened early before midday and Phil checked and the money was in our account.

Life, as ever, has been hectic. No time to blog really, so I have cheated and copied an email that I have just sent to my sister which briefly sums up the last couple of days. The stress continues but one of us hopefully will take time out and get a 'proper' blog posted on Monday. Right now, its before 6am and I need to gloss the lounge skirting before Phil awakes.
Hi Lou

Poor you, feeling very sorry for myself until I read your email. I am so sorry about Will, fancy someone stealing a cat, didn't think things happened like that in Woodbridge?????

I have been thinking of Mark and wondering about his job search. Can't be easy for both of you and must be very demoralising. If it helps, we have the spare bedroom set up here in Shirley's house and Mark is welcome to come and stay to see if he can get a job in MK??? Just a thought, we have a months worth of work to do and he can have my car. Alternatively if it helps I can drive my car down to you in Suffolk and he can use it for 5 or 6 weeks? Let me know if we can help. I guess Mark is anxious about his dad too. Can't be easy for both of you.

We moved on Wednesday and it has been really stressful. Phil, eager as ever to save money, insisted we moved ourselves; bad mistake and nearly killed the pair of us. We hired a van but in the end had to hire a Jon, man with a van to help us move the sofas because I just couldn't shift them.

I had my coil refitted on Thursday. The girl next to me in the waiting room went in before me and we were talking about how scared we both were. She went in first and when she came out 15 minutes later, she said it was a breeze and skipped (literally) down the stairs. I went in quite relaxed but the doctor had 3 aborted attempts before she managed to get mine in properly. Apparently I have an unusually small womb which tilts backwards. Felt a bit wobbly for 15 minutes and they made me lie down and sip water but felt fine afterwards. Took pain killers all day beforehand and wine afterwards and thought I had got off scot free but yesterday after painting for a few hours the pain came back. Feel OK this morning so hopefully I'm over the worst. Fingers crossed. Any pain, however severe, is worth it for 5 years of no periods or PMT!!!!!!! Phil agrees also!!!

We completed on the kebab flat yesterday so that is a huge weight off my mind. Just last week a young lad moved into the boarded up flat next door to us. He seemed OK at first but the hot weather came out and he was wearing shorts and I spotted that he had an electronic tag. Turns out he also has a serious skunk habit, smoking as early as 9am in the morning with stuff so strong you can smell it in the entrance to the block. The situation will only get worse and I can't tell you glad I am to be out of there. Phil swapped the old washer dryer which was only a few months old for the old skunky one in the Oldbrook flat which flooded when he first fitted it. We got Shenley Domestics out and it was fine. But the next day I put a wash on and it made a horrendous noise on the spin programme and moved itself halfway across the kitchen. Phil also swapped our super duper orthopedic mattress for the 5 year old one in the Oldbrook flat so I was scared shit less of a call from the agent to complain after completion. So scared in fact, that I didn't dare answer my phone yesterday! We did in fact, get a call from the agent leaving a message on my answer phone to ask where the meter and the bin cupboard was. Relief! I think we have got away with it! We wouldn't normally do so such dirty tricks but our buyer has pissed us off so much that Phil wanted to get own back.

The DIY continues; We have almost done Shirley's house, just the lounge and garden to do and the kitchen when it arrives on the 17th of this month to finish. I hadn't realised just how awful the city centre flat was and living here in Neath Hill for only a few nights is pure luxury. It's amazing how living with windows and light with normal ordinary people as opposed to living with a bunch of crackheads and out of work dossers. I am in heaven. We have much to do in the Oldbrook flat; Phil has already ripped out the kitchen, the plasterer goes in this morning and later today I shall start the decorating. Phil is completely knackered but we are taking it easy over the weekend. We have been invited to a BBQ tonight (crap weather I know) and tomorrow we have Steve Pem coming round for a chili whilst watching the Turkish Grand Prix.

And that's about it from out end. Hope you have a relaxing weekend. I will ring you on Sunday.

Take care,
Claire x

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