Monday 25 May 2009

Stairway to hell

I was right to be worried about the kebab sale flat and a phone call just before lunch on Friday confirmed this. Phil and I had got stuck into the painting at Shirley’s house and were just about to go home for lunch when I received a call from Karen, the manager of Haart estate agency in CMK. She was ringing me to say that our buyer wanted to reduce her offer by 2 grand. I went ballistic and the silly dumb blonde manager couldn’t understand why, stupid woman. We have felt all through this sale chain that the agents weren’t acting on our behalf and this latest trick just proved us right.

Our buyer was obviously playing a strategy, we felt done over on her original offer, made worse because she wanted most of our furniture but this last trick on the eve of exchange, just took the biscuit. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t so much the money; it was the principal of playing dirty at this stage of the game. I was so angry that I had to leave it to Phil to handle the negotiations. After much thought he agreed to pay £1,500 cash to the buyer as long as we exchange contracts on Tuesday and he also asked Karen to reduce her fees. I am still feeling pissed with our buyer. When we moved out, I was going to clean the flat, clean the windows inside and out, wash the shower curtain and leave all my prints and pictures. I also was going to type up an information sheet and leave this with a ‘welcome to your new home’ card and a bottle of wine. Not now though. She’s getting none of this; I intend to leave the flat as dirty as possible and I am taking EVERYTHING that is not on the agreed sale list with me. Shame really, I didn’t want to leave on a sour note but this sort of thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

By the end of play on Saturday we had got the bedrooms and hall stairs and landing painted. For a while things looked worse than they were before we started which is distressing to see. Yesterday I got stuck into the gloss work while Phil concentrated on the stair rails, giving them 2 coats of undercoat. We’ve ordered some new carpets which are being fitted on Saturday. Yesterday morning we started painting at 6am but it was such a lovely day we finished at 11. Phil went home to get a shower and to get ready for the grand prix and I went to Tesco’s. God, everyone woman, man and his dog seemed to be in Kingston shopping. The sun shines and everyone goes mad. Afterwards I went for a swim and a shower at DL and then it was home to read the Sunday paper while Phil watched the live action in Monaco.

Phil was tired yesterday, he has so much on his mind that he can’t sleep and the early mornings are taking their toll. However, even though he didn’t feel like it, yesterday afternoon I persuaded him to walk to the Giffard Park. It was a beautiful day and we had a pleasant walk alongside the canal. Funny seeing the canal boats again, brought back memories from the Trent and Mersey canal. Not good! Did I mention that I’ve resigned from the LionHearts Cruising Club? Yep, it’s official. On Friday morning we received a copy of the monthly newsletter and I saw that me and Phil went on the cleaning rota for the end of June. I immediately wrote a resignation letter enclosing my key and put it in the first class post. Another chapter of my life closed before it even began. I am not sorry.

Today we are back at the NH house. I need to crack on with the glossing and Phil is going to make a start on the kitchen. Ray the plasterer is coming round to skim the ceiling in the hall. At least he says he will be round. There is always a problem with Ray, something always crops up and he has to change his days. He was meant to skim the ceiling on Saturday but he turned up just before midday to say that his van had failed its MOT. Now I don’t why he couldn’t just get his wife to drop him off with his plastering stuff and he could have got stuck into the job there and then. Never mind lets just hope he turns up today. I have a feeling that he has forgotten that it is a bank holiday.

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