Wednesday 27 May 2009

Deal or No Deal?

I would like to be able to blog to say that we’ve exchanged BUT we haven’t. A phone call yesterday to Sally our solicitor confirmed that our buyers deposit was lodged with her solicitor. This was good news so we didn’t worry but just to confirm I made Phil phone Sally at twenty past five just to check that we had indeed, exchanged. It wasn’t good news; turns out that MK Council had f***ed up the service charge statement and had sent a fax to both solicitors just before exchange. I can’t tell just how fed up we were last night. Hopefully it will take place today but I won’t be holding my breath.

Back to the NH house. It’s weird but we have been quite enjoying decorating Shirley’s house. I think it’s because we can’t wait to leave the kebab flat. The lovely weather over the bank holiday weekend, has made us realise how much we miss having a garden. It’s been fine over the winter but would have been awful for the summer to be without somewhere to sit on a summer’s evening. It’s been a breeze so far and we’ve got on really quickly. It helps that all the windows have got new double glazed units and also Shirley has a lovely new bathroom. We thought long and hard about the kitchen but in the end decided it would be easier to rip it all out and start again. Phil had it all out bar the kitchen sink in a couple of hours. Yours truly had the job of shipping it all out to the tip. Six trips in total, hard work but at least I got rid of all the units in one morning.

Ray and James turned up at the NH house to plaster the hall ceiling. I had my doubts as to whether they would come but they proved me wrong. It took 3 hours in all and they did a good job. I can’t wait to emulsion the ceiling but I know from experience that I have to wait until it all dries up and the moisture disappears. We worked quite hard on Monday but finished early afternoon and went to the health club for a steam and Jacuzzi to get clean. It felt really nice to wash all the paint off! Afterwards we went to Harriet’s house to pick up some of our paints to use at Shirley’s house. Harriet and Shane had brought a new patio set and we sat outside in their garden with a glass of wine. Harriet cooked beef burgers for everyone, the sun was shining and it was a pleasant way to spend an hour.

Yesterday it was back round the NH house. Phil worked on the kitchen and I got on with glossing the banisters. We stopped for lunch, got cleaned up and went to order a new kitchen from Wickes. This is the first Wickes kitchen that we have ordered and so far we have been impressed with the service. We choose Wickes over B&Q and Homebase because they had 50% off. The kitchen consultant was friendly and the plans were excellent. Delivery could be anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks but we have managed to order the sink unit on a special delivery which should come next week. This will mean that we can move in with a sink with running water complete with a worktop and a fitted dishwasher and a washing machine. Sorted!

We also managed to buy all the tiles for the kitchen. Phil had seen some natural slate tiles in Wickes for a bargain price. Louise and Mark have them in their house and Phil loves them and is desperate to have them in a flat. The trouble is natural slate is bumpy on both sides and it would be difficult to lay the tiles without first having the kitchen units. We spoke to a kitchen fitter at Wickes and he gave us some good tips about natural slate. In the end we decided to go to B&Q to get our usual beige tiles. Sometimes it’s easier to go with what you know. The good news was that B&Q had a 15% off tiles for that day only.

Today it’s back for some more painting. I think Phil plans to get started on the tiling. We have the carpets coming on Saturday so he needs to get the floor tiled before then. I think we can get it all done before then but if we don’t, we don’t, it won’t be the end of the world. We are trying out a new plumber who has been recommended by Chris Waugh. His was meant to come round last night but when Phil called to confirm he cancelled. Not a good start for a new relationship. Phil rearranged for tonight but he’s not a happy chappie and intends to have a go at turning the water off himself so he can rip out the sink. He’s never done this before so let’s hope it doesn’t all end in disaster. Having received a phone call yesterday from Abdullah reporting a leaking toilet in Cranfield, the last thing we need on our hands, is another flood!

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