Friday 22 May 2009

Rain Stop Play

It’s been a rather frustrating week and I don’t feel that we have achieved much. We are still waiting on exchange; letters are going to and fro from each solicitor but still no exchange. I was rather hoping that we would be called today to go in and sign contracts but it seems unlikely. This is not good for my soul, once we’ve exchanged, I can get going, all engines ahead but until then, I’ve got to sit still. It would be easy to go on as if all is honky dory but I know from past experience this would be unwise. Nothing is signed and sealed and it could still all go tits up. So frustrating, it’s like living in limbo land.

As I said, it’s all been a bit boring. On Monday Phil completed his TMA and sent it off to his tutor. On Tuesday night I went to round to see Christine. Her friend Paula was offering to do a facial for everyone but I wasn’t in the mood. Christine laid on wine and Chinese nibbles and I regaled my woeful tale of our disastrous canal trip. I have managed to get to the health club on 3 occasions and yesterday I got my hair cut and highlighted.

Jimmy picked up Phil on Wednesday night and they went round to look at Shirley’s house. Shirley has cleared out all her stuff and the house is just about ready for us to move in. Phil took me round on Wednesday morning so I could have a look at where we would be living next. It’s a sweet house, needs at bit of TLC but nothing major that we can’t sort. It’s a mansion compared to the kebab flat and it will be lovely to have a garden for the summer. Phil took some measurements and then went back to the kebab flat to draw it up. I used to make fun of him for drawing up all the flats but actually the plans come in really useful for all sorts of things. After printing off the plans we went to IKEA to get some kitchen fittings, then it was off to B&Q to get paint, gloss, and all sorts of odds and sods. While we there we also picked up a Trade Account application, makes sense really, gives us another 5% off which will come in handy.

Today we are off to make a start on Shirley’s house, which I am going to name the NH house because it is in Neath Hill. I have to dip out at lunchtime because I have to go to the dentist. I eventually got hold of Kevin the plumber earlier in the week. It took 10 voice messages and 3 texts and I think eventually he realised I wasn’t going to go away. He hand delivered my gas safety certificates and has promised to come today and vent out the extractor at Harriet’s flat; he hasn’t committed to a time so I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a ‘no show’. Shame really, because he is a nice guy but I can’t be doing with someone that I can’t get hold of and who doesn’t call me back.

No firm plans for the weekend. Decorating at the NH house with maybe time off on Sunday to watch the Monte Carlo Grand Prix and perhaps a pub lunch if there is time. I think the weather forecast is rain which is rather a shame but typical I guess, for a bank holiday weekend. What can one expect, this is England afterall.

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