Saturday 11 April 2009

Works of Art

Phil made it home on Thursday and didn’t make bad time even though it was the busiest day of the year on the roads. He was, as usual, knackered and hyper from an early alarm call to pack his bags and hyper from the intense drive home. I had spent all of the afternoon with Kevin, the corgi plumber, who fitted the new cooker and carried out the gas safety checks. Whilst I was there I took photo's of the pictures on the walls so thought I was may as well post them on the blog. Works of art they certainly are not but they add some cheer and colour to very white wall. Unfortunately because of the rain, Kevin couldn’t drill the hole out to vent the new extractor van, but never mind; he is going to do this the week we return home. Phil came straight from the motorway to give me a lift back to the kebab flat just as Kevin was packing up his tools.

On Thursday night Harriet came round with a very nice bottle of real champagne as a thank you for doing all the work in the flat. This was sweet of her and she didn’t need to do this but it did make us feel appreciated. We are saving this until we exchange contracts on the flat. Things have gone quiet on this front, so fingers crossed it doesn’t go tits up when we’re away on holiday.

Unfortunately on Friday morning I got up at 4am for a wee wee and woke up Phil. I felt bad about this but then he does it to me all the time, if its not one, it’s the other. Phil was wide awake and still hyper from his journey back, so he decided to go straight round to the flat after his weetabix even though it was only half five in the morning. I went back to bed with a mug of tea and my book for a while but then felt guilty so got up and started on the enormous pile of washing, drying and ironing. Phil came home at half nine, had a quick shower and then got in his car and drove to Melton Mowbray to see his mum and dad, picking up Georgina from her house along the way. I was in the flat with no car but this wasn’t really an issue because it took me nearly all the day to do the laundry.

Harriet kindly offered to come and pick me up at 3pm and took me to David Lloyd so I could pick up a tub of Elemis Lime and Ginger body scrub. When the beauty salon has offers on I sometimes treat myself to this treatment but there was only one therapist on duty so I decided just to buy the scrub and do a DIY. It’s crazy really, for the cost of one tub of Elemis I can get about 10 beauty treatments in Goa. Harriet waited while I had a scrub and a shower at DL then took me to LA Fitness at Willen LakeAdd Image where I had an appointment with Denise for some waxing. Denise hurt me last time and it was obvious that she was still down in the dumps, but at least yesterday the pain was minimal. Afterwards HH dropped me home and when Phil got back, it was feet up, wine and telly.

This morning has been a hive of activity, catching up on odd jobs before we fly away this evening. Phil’s done the VAT return, sorted out his expenses and he’s also been to buy new pens for the holiday (don’t ask) and viewed a couple of houses. Packing the back-packs has been a bit of a nightmare because we are only allowed 15kg. Now we are great at not taking much but we had to do a good deal of jiggling to make sure we are not over. We’ve managed to get in the mega sonic dog scarer, the international travel plugs, Phil’s snail books and 2 cycle bottles full of wine! We’ve eaten a bowl of chilli and rice for lunch, cleaned out the fridge and made the sandwiches for the coach. Phil has insisted that we have separate sandwiches this time, just in case we don’t get to sit together! Harriet is giving us a lift to the coach station and hopefully the coach will arrive on time to take us to the south terminal Gatwick.

Next blog from Goa!

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