Wednesday 15 April 2009

Room 101

At last we both had a normal night’s sleep at Saajan thanks to the aircon. The owners of this place couldn’t do enough for us, they were great and we thank them dearly. We did wake up a couple of times in the night though, and strangely, that was because of the aircon. Well, to be more accurate, Claire woke up a couple of times. The first time was because she was too cold and shivering so I had to turn the aircon and fan off and the second time, about two hours later because she was too hot again so I had to switch it on again. I wouldn’t mind, but both the aircon remote and the fan control was on Claire’s side and I had to walk around the bed in the dark stubbing my toes both ways. We awoke quite early and tidied up and packed our bags once more to take back to Griffino’s (sorry all the photos of Graffino’s are on Claire’s camera so maybe she can fill the gaps in sometime). Claire hadn’t quite managed a shower in our new rooms so stripped and went into the bathroom upon our return. I heard this almighty scream and she came streaking out the bathroom in a panic. “A big creature, by the door, cockroach or something, massive, get it out”. I went in to investigate gingerly and at first couldn’t see anything. I took my eyes away from where I thought it was for a moment to put the lights on. I went into the room, and there it was a massive cockroach, almost the size of a mouse, which Claire is also frightened of. I stamped on it in my sandals, which seemed to send it wild and it ran around very fast making me jump and also run out the bathroom like a girlie. Claire didn’t know what had happened but when she heard me squeal and come running out she panicked once more and ended up on the balcony. I’m sure if we had had one more scare, she would have been over the top. I found one of my proper shoes and went back in armed this time and it wasn’t long before we had Goa’s biggest cockroach was spread all over the bathroom floor. Claire still wouldn’t go in for a shower, so I put one of the towels over it so she couldn’t see it and she finally got clean.

We left Graffino’s, keeping the room key to find a taxi to Colva for breakfast and to get a motorbike. Luckily there was one right outside so after some negotiation we headed off to the Tate bar for poached eggs and tea. Actually Claire ordered a bacon sandwich to my surprise, so I reminded her she doesn’t like bacon. She said she just fancied one; so even if you don’t like bacon sandwiches, you still fancy one after a heavy night on the drink. Of course, I had to eat it because she doesn’t like bacon. That’s why I’m fat and Claire is thin, I should learn from her and only order food that I don’t like.

After breakfast, which was very satisfying for me because I had also ordered cornflakes, it was across the road to Anthony’s to hire our motor bike. Here we found one of Claire’s old friends with a little boy and a puppy from Anthony’s dog. He loved the dog but wasn’t quite sure how to handle it, but the little puppy didn’t seem to mind. Anthony wasn’t there but his younger brother went to the back to pull out a brand new bike with a brand new helmet for one of his favourite customers. We have become very faithful to Anthony’s family and always hire a bike from him when we can. This has obviously paid off for him as when we bumped into him, almost literally, just as we were leaving in his lovely massive 4x4 just as he was coming in.

Anyway, once we had our own transport we were off and it wasn’t long before we had secured all nights for the rest of our stay this time. We booked a week in a suite at Palm View that we stopped in last time in Majorda which I really feel relaxed in and Claire likes in the day time but is not so keen on the room. Anyway we have a better room this time with our own balcony rather than a shared one and even a separate kitchen with plenty of space. Every room at Palm View has massive fridges so that’s an important thing for us. Before we drove to Palm View we did drive to the Riverside” but they are in the middle of building work to add more rooms and renovate. I’m sure Paul and Diane would be horrified if they knew all their lovely work was being undone. We then drove back to Colva and secured the last 3 night at Claire’s favourite “Soul Vacation”, but this time we had a deal that includes transfers, breakfast and two treatments. What a lovely way to finish our vacation and prepare ourselves for our new life upon our return to Milton Keynes.

That only left the next two nights to account for. What I hadn’t explained from our last entry was that after we left Chris and Linda on Monday night, I went straight to reception and booked two nights in a lagoon room. I am writing this entry from here in luxury but I couldn’t believe it when they gave us room 101. It’s quite close to Chris and Linda because we can see that rock fountain thing where all the egrets hang around and the little island that I put in last entry. It is lovely here; they sat us down as we headed towards reception and immediately brought us a coconut with the top chopped off with a straw in so we could enjoy its milk. While you sit there, they run backwards and forward collecting passports and things sorting your room out while you relax. Then it’s straight to the buggy that takes you and your luggage to your room. We are not far from Chris and Linda but we don’t want to bump into them for fear of them thinking we are stalking them while they enjoy the last couple of days of their holiday. We should see them tonight anyway at Betty’s where we hope to return their favour. It’s not cheap here, but hey, we have earned it, we have worked hard for the last 6 weeks without a break. What a better way to face your fears than to stay in ROOM 101!

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