Tuesday 14 April 2009

Off to Goa in April

We had been looking forward to our break to Goa for so long now the day finally arrived but Harriet was a bit late picking us up because Shane’s car had been clamped. Bad luck Shane but at least we still got to the coach way with about 5 minutes to go. We had only been there less than one minute and it turned up, unlike last time where it was 40 minutes late. He actually left with 3 minutes to go and we would have been furious if we had missed it but still been there early. I was too excited to start my OU so just chatted to Claire and took it easy.

We arrived at Gatwick airport with about 5 hours to go but were allowed to check in right away. Thomas Cook had a Tensator queing system with only one long queue for 8 different departures with about 12 check in desks. This really worked as it is fair and everyone has the same wait. We had several drinks in Wetherspoons and bought some drinks and sandwiches for the journey. Had a great flight but hardly any sleep for me while Claire managed about 5 hours. Arrived in sweltering conditions as the humidity is so high at this time of year in India. We had about an hour wait before we could get off the plane and join the very long immigration queue. We always forget how bad this part is.

As there were so many people on the plane all wanting transfers we knew it would be coaches and the wait would be endless so decided to get a taxi from the airport. This is well worth doing as the official taxis that are booked at the airport, just to the left of the exit door are very cheap and controlled prices. If you go out and take your chances you will always pay considerably more. We arrived at the hotel 2 hours before the coach so just shows you that it really was worth it for about £8.

Our hotel that came with the flight was a cheap one but we expected to be able to stay for a few nights while we sorted ourselves out. But unfortunately, in April, with no aircon we could barely manage one night. Our hotel was called Giffados in Cavolosim in South Goa quite near to the Leela Palace and the Holiday Inn. It was one of the first hotels in the area and I guess it was thought to be a good one at the time but times have changed whereas the Giffados hasn’t. The owner now has a second hotel called Mobor beach resort. This is marginally better as it has a pool but still living in the past for me, but at least people staying at Giffados can use the pool there. I can’t say that the attitude of the staff was that favourable; I had the impression they didn’t want to be there and didn’t want us to be there either. Well you won, we are not now.

We had a walk to the beach bar also owned by Giffado and sampled the lunch but although reasonable prices not spectacular. They had no beer at all in Giffados as they had sold out, this was the reason we tried the beach shack as they said that they had some there. They didn’t have Kingfisher though only the other local brew called Bello which is not to my taste and Claire couldn’t drink hers. The shower was clean so we got ourselves clean and shot off for a walk around Cavelossim for a drink or two. Luckily we had packed two bottles of home brew and bought 4 bottles in duty free so managed to get a head start on our balcony first. We rented a fridge but they didn’t bring it until 9 o’clock in the evening. We ate at Mike’s place which got packed very quickly, had excellent service and good food.

I couldn’t sleep in our room as the heat was overpowering and reminded me of the night we slept onboard the river boat in Kerala. I managed about 2 hours before the beer wore off and I woke up thinking that I would suffocate and ended up outside on the balcony to get some air. I only managed about another hour all together so was very tired and grumpy all the next day, sorry Claire. Of course Claire had booked the boat trip for Monday so we walked off the 2km to get the boat trip at about 8.30 in the already baking heat trying to catch as many shadows as we could on the way.

They all remembered us at Betty’s (Goa’s best boat trip) and in typical Goan style all shook our hands. The couple that shared our table on the top deck had never been on Betty’s but had been to Goa plenty of times so knew their way around. Chris works and lives in Mumbai whilst his wife Linda lives at home in Scotland and had flew out to Mumbai and they had both flown down to Goa. Chris has a good job and they were staying in the Leela Palace which we think is Goas best and poshest 5 star. I had promised Claire at least one night in a nice hotel this time and asked where she wanted and had already said the Leela before we met Chris and Linda.

We had a great boat trip but it was a bit rough while we were looking for dolphins, especially with the top heavy double decker boat we were on. At one point the boat lurched like mad and as I was near a rail could hang on whilst poor Chris hadn’t and his seat collapsed sending him skimming across the deck like a Fishermans catch. No real harm done though other than poor Chris’s pride. The drinks soon came out to calm things down even before we got back in the safety of the river.

We seemed to get through so many beers this time, probably because of the heat and we were all feeling quite happy by the time we got back at about 3pm. The chemical company that Chris works for is just in the process of being taken over by a German company when he came away for his holiday so hopefully this time can be spent getting him in a strong relaxed frame of mind to better handle the situation upon his return.

We got on really well with the pair of them and they invited us back to their room at the Leela and shared their champagne with us on their balcony. What a fabulous room with spectacular views of the lagoon. We felt like we had hit the big time drinking Champagne with these views whilst eating fresh cashew nuts. Once the champagne was gone we polished off all Chris’s beer and went down to the Leela beach shack for more beer and another bottle of wine. Chris wouldn’t let me pay for anything there either so we offered to take them to Betty’s restaurant on Wednesday night, their last night so tune in to see how that one goes.

We got a Leela taxi back to our hotel packed a bag and walked off into town looking for another hotel for the night with aircon so I could sleep. After a couple of non starters we settled for a large house with rooms called Saajan house. Very good value for money if you ever find yourself in Cavelossim, 1500Rs a night with 2 double rooms a lounge and kitchen. The bathroom was a proper wet room where everything got wet as the shower was set in-between the sink and toilet. More tomorrow where I hope to catch up to date.

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