Thursday 23 October 2008

Girlie talk

When I was in at Saks having my hair done on Tuesday, I spotted a poster offering a free Beautytek session. Never one to miss out on a freebie, I booked myself in for a session yesterday. Now I had never heard of Beautytek which is apparently fairly new to the UK. The blurb in the brochure says that “Beautytek is a non-invasive totally natural body sculpting technique which offers a tailor made pain-free alternative to surgery, giving excellent results”. Here is the website if you want to read all the technical stuff. Too good to be true I thought to myself but I’ll try anything once.

Sarah the beauty consultant administering my treatment was very professional. First up she asked me to take off all my jewellery and strip to my knickers while she took my ‘before’ photographs. She also got her take measure out and measured around my middle. Then it was up on the bed when Sarah rubbed some kind of blue cream on my belly. She had a micro-current energy stick think linked up to her computer and for a whole hour she rubbed this backwards and forward on and around my stomach area. It didn’t hurt and was quite pleasant but I was bored by the end of it and willing her to finish.

After she finished she took my ‘after’ photographs, measured me again and downloaded the photos on to her computer screen. I have to say, I was pretty amazed with my ‘after’ photographs and according to her measurements, I’d lost an inch and a half around my hips. Not bad for an hour and a half and the bonus was that it was free! Alas, the downside; Sarah recommends a course of 12 treatments at a cost of £1200! The price was way out of my league but I would definitely have this treatment for all my life if I won the lottery. I do wonder in the light of the credit crunch whether the cost of this treatment will come down? If anyone is interested, Sarah is offering a free consultation and treatment for the remainder of this week and next week only. If you want to try it out, her number is 07718 538046 or email,

The beauty salon at David Lloyd is improving and in case anyone is remotely interested they now have a registered practitioner offering Colon Hydrotherapy. I tried this at a place in Northampton and wasn’t impressed with the consultant but I may revisit this treatment and get a colonic once I got a job and some money to pay for it. I am not sure what the cost of treatment is because it doesn’t say in the brochure but here is the web-link

Harriet came round last after she finished work. She put in a prior request for me to cook her mashed potatoes with peas and green beans which she wolfed down. She said these were the first veggies she had eaten since living with her dad. Apparently the rent she pays her dad doesn’t include food or coke and much to her disgust, she is having to buy her own. Phil and I find the whole Chris/Harriet living together tales highly amusing and struggle to keep a straight face when she relays them.

After supper Harriet and I went down to the tanning shop by the YMCA for a sun-bed. Unbelievably she wanted to go in the car but I persuaded her it was easier to take the 3 minute walk. I used to use the tanning shop years ago but this was the first time for Harriet so she wanted me to go with her for the first time. The shop hasn’t changed much and one tanning salon is pretty much the same as another. This salon is slightly more expensive than the one in Newport Pagnell but the fans are a million times more efficient and you don’t sweat at all. It’s certainly worth the extra pound or so in my humble opinion. Harriet was impressed and said she go at the weekend; she is still a golden honey colour after her holiday and wants to keep it up for a while.

After Harriet left, Phil got picked up by Alfy and met up with the Wednesday night gang at the Barge in Woolstone. When he'd gone, I got into my dressing gown and soaked my feel in a bowl of hot water with oil whilst watching Coronation Street with a glass of wine. When the water went cold I dryed off my feet and gave myself a much needed pedicure and varnish. I don't know whether it was the after effect of the 'Beautytek' treatment but I was feeling really tired so I turned off the TV and was asleep before 9. All this beauty body maintenance is hard work!


Jim Robb said...

Claire, you can pop around any time you like and I will rub your belly for free!

Claire said...

Jim, thanks for the kind offer but I don't think Phil would let me take you up!